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Ability Suggestion: Uppercut

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:11 am
by Zeldryn
Unarmed Combat: Uppercut

A brawler speaks with his fists. And there's no message quite so loud as a punch in the chin.

OOC: (Enables a brawler to use the Uppercut attack, which automatically targets the head and Offers a chance to stun and/or knock down a target on impact.)

PREREQUISITES: Brawling Focus, Heavy blows

Skill Requirements: 550 brawling, 750 melee

I like the idea of this. Not just for mechanics, but for flavor. I think it fits well with a lot of players' respective fighting styles. Obviously would work well for the brotherhood of the fist, but I think it'd work decently as a generalized ability, as well. If it were generalized, I'd just drop the heavy blows requirement, and probably reclassify as a dirty trick and add the tactics: dirty requirement. But I.. Am not a staff member! You guys probably know how to balance better than me.

Thanks for hearing it out!

Re: Ability Suggestion: Uppercut

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:14 am
by Vaelin
My brofist would agree with this. I've been wishing for something to knock out someone without outright beating them into unconsciousness, and this may work.

Re: Ability Suggestion: Uppercut

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 3:32 pm
by glare
I'd like some generalized way to knocking someone unconscious with a low risk of actually killing them. So this gets my vote as well.

Re: Ability Suggestion: Uppercut

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:01 pm
by Zeldryn
I'm not sure where the unconscious thing is coming from. I sort of invision it more as a stun effect that has the potential to knock you off your feet. So you'd be lying there, unable to act for.. 6-10 seconds or so? Sort of like footstomp or the like. Though realistically it would make sense, if put in, that ther ebe some randomized chance to just KO someone completely. That'd be sorta' sick.