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"Tainted" Celestium?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:30 am
by Jaren
Seeing as Celestium is an imaginary mythic ore, I was wondering if there was an evil counter part that exists or could exist in the world. Kinda a "yin" to its "yang".

This ore could be a successfully corrupted celestium or something entirely different. Perhaps not of this world but a taint that has been brought here from the world of demons/nether/tacos etc.

It could infect normal iron in the surrounding rock twisting it into something different. Perhaps this only occurs in places that have had the right circumstances, such as a great tragedy and dark magic to have caused this taint to leak out into the world.

This ore could be pitch black or maybe slightly black/red in color.

Here are a few name ideas:

Names Comments

Infernite so infernal!
Blood Iron bloody marvelous
Netherium everything is better with an "ium" at the end. Tacoium? ok maybe not...
Crimsonite red-ness and rocky-ness
Black Iron lose the fancy names and go straight for what it looks like
Jarenite lol

*Blood Iron and Netherium are the best I think.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:06 am
by Rias
You got close - one extra E. We've got nethrium. It's just not in use anywhere yet. Except for Landion's personal gear, of course. He loves rare materials.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:59 am
by Landion
True and guilty as charged, but I don't think the code is even written to make it do what we want it to do. Yet. (Teaser teaser!)

If I have my way, Corvus will have access to very limited quantities of Nethrium, as well as some other toys that Rias and I were discussing recently. -----> Insert evil cackle here. <----