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fur armor that's tougher than leather

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 2:55 pm
by Kent
Leather armor does so little for you currently in game. The only fur armor we have is of identical protection as this leather. Have you ever handled fur? If you wrapped yourself in a bearskin rug or wore a mink coat and then someone hit you with a baseball bat, it would soften the blow a lot more than a leather jacket would. Same if someone tried to stab you.
It seems even that what is merely fur *clothing* should be the equivalent to soft leather armor, and what is fur armor should be definitely more than soft leather.
There are a couple of ways that winter warriors could be better protected in CLOK.
My first idea would be that armors made from fur be equivalent to scale armor. Or possibly even a new category of armor that falls between scale and rigid.
The second idea would be to be able to craft brigandine armor using fur armor instead of leather. Perhaps in this case fur brigandine would be of identical armor protection to leather brigandine, but it would keep you warm.
Thanks again for a fun game, be well all.

Re: fur armor that's tougher than leather

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:37 am
by Tenoji
From a balance perspective I'd caution against making fur armor equivalent to scale leather. Fur is many factors easier to acquire than even the simplest scale. Scale also doesn't have a real-world equivalent. It is also lighter and easier to wear, in it's current state. I've never swaddled myself in a bearskin rug, but I also don't think soft leather is necessarily equivalent to a modern day leather jacket. So I can't speak to the real-world equivalents very well. I would imagine if fur armor was better, protectively, than leather it would've seen a lot more use historically. But I'm also no historian so my awareness there could be sorely lacking. I can see the argument being made for it having higher bludgeon resistance. I do agree fur armor should have more of it's own identity, rather than just an extra warmth buff. Maybe different protection values that give it different advantages and disadvantages.

I'm also under the impression leatherworking is kind of on the back burner at the moment (which I have no qualms with) since the system is pretty out of line with the current forging crafting system and probably is scheduled an extensive update.

Re: fur armor that's tougher than leather

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:57 pm
by Lun
I think a new fantasy critter that gives higher warmth leathers for crafting scale-tier armor would be nice. I think there's a lot to say for mystical properties of critters armor pieces, see: rakkan, etc.