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Is anybody there?

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:17 pm
by Stranger
I have a suggestion. Would it be possible to place a note at the end of a "report", "question", "request" or "nominate" to tell us whether or not a GM is even there to receive the message.

It's very annoying to take the time to send one of these only to find that it has vanished into the void because there are no GMs on to respond (or not respond depending on the case)

Like maybe a message that says *after you posted it*
"We currently have no online GM(s) to assist you with your "question" at this time.
"We currently have 1 online GM(s) to assist you with your "nominate" at this time.

This way I will know that it at least has a chance to reach someone even if they choose not to respond or they are so buried deep in code they may not even notice it.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:25 pm
by Rias
Done. In the case that a player uses it as some sort of "GM Detector" mechanism to try and find stealthed GMs rather than using it for its intended purpose, we'll just turn this feature off for them individually.