Suggestion: renaming of certain blacksmithing skills/abilities

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Suggestion: renaming of certain blacksmithing skills/abilities

Post by Math321 »

There are some inconsistencies with some of the below pairs of names. In addition, some names do not fully encompass what the skills are now capable of. These are the current names, for reference:

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ABILITIES                       SKILLS
-----------                     -----------
Blacksmithing                   Forging: General
Blacksmithing: Armor            Forging: Armor
Blacksmithing: Blades           Forging: Bladed Weapons
Blacksmithing: Heavy Heads      Forging: Blunt Weapons
Blacksmithing: Munitions        Forging: Arrowheads
To remedy this, I suggest the following set of names for the forging abilities and skills. Largely similar, but with a few notable tweaks. Here are the proposed new names:

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ABILITIES                          SKILLS
-----------                        -----------
Blacksmithing                      Forging: General
Blacksmithing: Armor               Forging: Armor
Blacksmithing: Bladed Weapons      Forging: Bladed Weapons
Blacksmithing: Hafted Weapons      Forging: Hafted Weapons
Blacksmithing: Munitions           Forging: Munitions
All the secondary skills' names now match up with the abilities that unlock them, and vice versa. In addition, a couple of the names now better represent what items can be forged. This makes things easier to explain to a new player. For example:
The "Blacksmithing" ability on its own unlocks the "Forging: General" skill, which can produce commodity items useful for selling to the market, or for use in other crafts like carpentry. After that, you can get the "Blacksmithing: Tacos" ability to unlock the "Forging: Tacos" skill, which lets you make things like tacos, tacos, and tacos.
Characters I play:
Quintin, the Artisan.
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