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Weapons with metal hafts

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 7:30 pm
by Math321
Currently, player-made weapons with metal hafts are heavier than ones with wooden hafts, meaning that nobody actually wants metal hafts. I think this is a little sad - wood is nice, but it'd be nice to be have metal hafts that aren't A Bad Idea (mechanically) to use. If the two could be the same weight, that would be quite nice!

Somewhat relatedly, there are a few weapons that can't have wooden hafts at all, which is very strange indeed. Hatchets, for instance - metal hafts only. If possible, I'd love to see woodworking recipes that cover those few missing weapons.

Re: Weapons with metal hafts

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 7:59 pm
by Kent
It seems mighty realistic for an axe with a wooden haft to weigh less than an axe with a metal haft, tho.

Re: Weapons with metal hafts

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 8:18 pm
by Noctere
There is code in the works that will render this concern into a moot point but, for now, to address this specifically: Wooden hilts and hafts have always been a shortcoming in the process to begin with. They are far easier to make, (given that woodworking in general is easier to raise) far lighter and the materials far easier to acquire. This was one of the reasons that wooden hilts were removed. To fix this error, I would simply make wooden hafts weigh the same as metal ones or just remove them like hilts.

Re: Weapons with metal hafts

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 6:31 am
by Math321
Considering how many wooden hafted weapons already exist, and considering the large variety of wood-types that exist (which encourages customization), I think the most seamless transition would be to make wooden hafts the same weight as their metal counterparts, rather than the alternative of outright removing them.