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Weighing Scales and adjustable bar cutters

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 9:44 am
by Eagalon
First of all I would like to apologize if I say something wrong here as it is my first post on the forum but I shall try to be to the point and precise as much as I can be.
Regarding scales, I would like to propose that weighing scales be added to the game, either the general stores or Haiban Import shop (exclusively for Artisans) I leave the placement to be finalized as it is seen fit by the developers. The post offices already use the scales so It would not be beyond the lore or the tech level of the game as it stands currently.
My second point is to propose the idea of adjustable bar cutters. I believe that it too would be possible to add in the game regarding the current tech level of the world. A a little suggestion regarding that would be to make it adjustable according to the sizes like, half, third, fourth, fifth, up to tenth. that way, a blacksmith would be able to cut the bar precisely as they want.
if its too much to add for all the bar cutters, then just adding it to haiban's workshops would perhaps keep the Artisan's tech level somewhat advanced than others.
That's all from me on this for now, perhaps others might have more ideas regarding this.
Thanks for reading my ramblings