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Making ESP Rescue messages a little clearer / more personable

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 7:45 pm
by Kent
For those of us that have played a while, this suggestion won't make any difference. But for newcomers, the messages that ensue with 'ESP rescue <mssg>' are confusing.

I would recommend some clarity brought to these messages along these lines, also to de-objectify the persons being recovered.

Current : * Your sense of awareness is briefly tinged with the color Sky-Blue. The sense of awareness pulses with the feeling of searching for something lost. *

Recommended fix:
* Your sense of awareness is briefly tinged with the color Sky-Blue. The sense of awareness pulses with the feeling of someone searching for someone fallen. *

Current : * Your sense of awareness is briefly tinged with the color Sky-Blue. The sense of awareness pulses with the feeling of having found something. *

Recommended : * Your sense of awareness is briefly tinged with the color Sky-Blue. The sense of awareness pulses with the feeling of having found someone fallen and in the process of retrieving them. *

Current :
* Your sense of awareness is briefly tinged with the color Sky-Blue. The sense of awareness pulses with the feeling of bringing new life to something that has lost it. *

Recommended :
* Your sense of awareness is briefly tinged with the color Sky-Blue. The sense of awareness pulses with the feeling of bringing new life back to someone that has lost it. *

This last one needs the fix the most, in my opinion, as it is often used no one is willing to go into the dangerous place and even try to look in the first place:

Current : * Your sense of awareness is briefly tinged with the color Sky-Blue. The sense of awareness pulses with the feeling of failing to find what you were searching for. *

Recommended: * Your sense of awareness is briefly tinged with the color Sky-Blue. The sense of awareness pulses with the feeling of someone being unwilling or unable to complete the search for someone fallen. *

Re: Making ESP Rescue messages a little clearer / more personable

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 10:12 am
by ironcross32
I like the way they are now, that little bit of ambiguity shrouding the whole thing in that much of a mystery. Changing them to be so very specific just sort of ruins the effect IMO.

Re: Making ESP Rescue messages a little clearer / more personable

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 11:23 am
by Kent
You like to contradict, don't you, Ironcross?

I made the suggestion to benefit newcomers who don't know what's going on, not to keep you happy. I there still remains some ambiguity about the message, and if you go into a church or crypt you will see a stack of bodies of Player Characters, most of whom got frustrated with the death mechanic that was, to them, incomprehensible and stopped playing then and there. I don't want to see that stack of corpses continue to grow just because senior players know what the esp rescue system is all about and feel that because they don't need clarity, no one else does.

Re: Making ESP Rescue messages a little clearer / more personable

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 12:57 pm
by Kent
< Duplicate post, system won't let me delete >