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finishing lessons above the skill cap

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 7:23 pm
by Alila
HI...this really should not bother me as much as it does, but could it please please made so that lessons that require you to be above the skill cap to complete themselves if you are at the skill cap, or vanish, or can still be worked through for no gain other than having it vanish from the skills page? It's heartbreaking to know raising a skill over 2500 is impossible and yet there is the 0.1 of a lesson, never to be finished, ever, with its ugly not-even number that ruins the beautiful 2500.00 with decimals that will never vanish...
But if this could be somehow made cleaner me and my ocd would love you and be forever in your debt. I'm not asking to let us complete the lessons because then maybe someone might try and have 2499.9999 in a skill before taking a lesson, but only that it vanishes and leaves the nice happy pretty round 2500 alone.
Thank you,

Re: finishing lessons above the skill cap

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 7:26 pm
by Math321
I second this. I have an uncompletable music lesson I'd like to get rid of... Not to mention that it'd be satisfying to see things like 500.0 and 2500.0 instead of 500.2476 and 2500.3731.

Re: finishing lessons above the skill cap

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 5:56 pm
by Jirato
Should be able to add this to the character updater which runs every time you log in pretty easily. Just need to add a few checks to exclude critters and NPCs (they cheat).