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Targetting the Last item in a stack

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:59 am
by Kent
Ok, so we can target Item, we can target Other item, we can target item 3, and so forth.

I was thinking how useful it would be to target Last item.

For example,

get my waybread
eat waybread
stow waybread

gives the character some nourishment, but amongst his 17 waybreads in his backpack, the last one has a bite out of it. He has to cycle amongst his waybreads this way, until all waybreads have one bite out of them, then he starts taking a second bite out of each one, etc. If he looks in his backpack, he will see a waybread (17), but he doesn't really know how many are partially consumed, nearly all consumed, it will show 17 remaining until the last bite begins to be taken from each.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to type

get last waybread
eat waybread
stow waybread

and this way, he will be able to keep taking bites from the same food item until that is fully consumed, then he will eat from the 16th waybread until that is all gone, etc. He will know pretty much exactly how many waybreads are left, only the final one in the stack may be partially eaten, the remaining he will know are fully intact.

Same useful application with regards to powder horns and other items as well.

Re: Targetting the Last item in a stack

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 2:20 pm
by Jaster
steal kent
eat waybread
plant waybread kent