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Tutor Command Additions/Partial Rework

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:50 pm
by Marauder
Can we have the tutor command reworked so it lets the tutor pick up to three skill categories such as general, combat, magic and so on or maybe just append "favorites" so we can do a specialized list instead of picking three categories?

Can we also please get a "tutor cancel" that allows either the tutor or the student to immediately stop the effect without roundtime or moving out of the room of the other so we have some more convenience in usage?

The command is great and extremely useful, just a bit unwieldy as is. Why can't I use all of my first aid skill when tutoring a new character in a full sparring session?

Re: Tutor Command Additions/Partial Rework

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:38 pm
by Kiyaani
This has been suggested before and I agree it needs some work. Thanks for bringing it back up! :)

Re: Tutor Command Additions/Partial Rework

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:58 pm
by ironcross32
thought that was only for combat, hmm OK.