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When the bell tolls...

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 5:30 pm
by Akila
When someone looks at the bell to signal they have died, is it possible to add a little note saying someone can send a rescue pulse to say they are looking or can't retrieve the body? Or, if it's already there, change the colour so it's bolder?

I unfortunately departed today because no-one signalled they were looking for me, though they were. I dislike bell-spamming, so tend to only look twice, wait some time between my looks, then depart if no pulse is sent.

Thank you!

Re: When the bell tolls...

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 5:09 am
by Edoras
There already is a message: I'm the one that went there, I just happened to log on after both tolls and forgot to send a pulse. My bad!