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Short term to-do list

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 5:18 am
by Jirato
Lets see how many of these I can get knocked out... still working on that work project so probably won't be for another 3 or 4 weeks before I can start...
  • More elemancy combinations
  • More spidersilk stuff for Harbingers
  • Auto-cool after metal repair
  • Only show GM SMITE and GM BLESS to people that don't have option IgnoreChat on.
  • (Echo GM Smite and GM Bless to Discord?)
  • Re-evaluate Elemancer Textbook costs with Skill Acceleration
  • Fish Stew/Fish Pies (EWWW!)
  • Evaluate Elemantal Detection and Severence (No idea what these are, tbh)
  • Aero Nova to clear Fog (need to implement some sort of room-based effect system, tired of having a billion different tickers in a room)
  • Infirmary in Elemancer University - On the fence, don't want this to turn into a fully featured town alternative...
  • Elemancer University ease of access (Is Elemancy stable enough to trust the aero lift again...?)
  • Message indicating whether or not a poison is applied to a weapon on EXAMINE/LOOK
  • Messages when suffering from a debilitating poison so the poisoned person actually knows they're poisoned, even if they're not performing RT actions.
  • Make crafting hafts non-weapon specific, but rather size specific.
  • Make javeling crafting make more sense (someone said it uses a hilt???)

Re: Short term to-do list

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 5:31 am
by Akila
Evaluate Elemantal Detection and Severence (No idea what these are, tbh)
All these do are allow and elemancer to see is someone is channeling an element, then sever the channel.
So if I saw someone with an aero shield up, I cut sever their aeromancy channel, which would remove their shield and make them easier to attack.
Elemancer University ease of access (Is Elemancy stable enough to trust the aero lift again...?)
I would say yes, but only usable by Elemancers. The climb to the top before you learn aeromancy is character building!
(Echo GM Smite and GM Bless to Discord?)
Yes. We would like to know who has been smited (smitten?)!

Re: Short term to-do list

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 6:06 am
by Dorn
Both Javelin and Lance fall under Forging: Blades and therefore utilise blade/hilt in the crafting mechanics instead of Head/haft.

I think maybe to even the two lists out for the Artisans? I'm unsure. I can't see any other reason as to why it was done.

Re: Short term to-do list

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 6:39 am
by Dallia
Akila wrote:
Elemancer University ease of access (Is Elemancy stable enough to trust the aero lift again...?)
I would say yes, but only usable by Elemancers. The climb to the top before you learn aeromancy is character building!
Agreed! That climb is like a rite of passage.

Re: Short term to-do list

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:03 pm
by Jirato
Converted list to an actual list with BBCode. Added new BBCode for strikethrough and striked through the items that are done.

Re: Short term to-do list

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 2:48 pm
by Noctere
The study books in the Elemancer's University have all been reassessed to work better with the current skill gain system. They now cover a lot more skill per book and are priced to be comparative with the cost of normal training plus an added fee for being able to train anywhere. (Much cheaper than before) Old textbooks can be traded in for new ones provided that the books sent cover the exact same skill ranges as the new by sending the old books via npcmail to "the elemancy book repository" or (theelemancybookrepository) or something similar.

Please keep in mind that the exchange service is not an upgrade. But rather a consolidation of many books into a few. For example, in order to get the first new book for geomancy you will need to send the first 5 old books. This way is covers the same skill ranges of 1 though 500.

Re: Short term to-do list

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 4:15 am
by Jirato
Went ahead and edited the original post adding a strikethrough to stuff that's been done. Big thanks to Noctere for taking the lead on several of these issues.

Re: Short term to-do list

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 10:52 am
by preiman
going to have to make you an eel pie and a nice Bouillabaisse one of these days, so you can understand the glory that fish pies and stews can be, always a little sad when people do not yet understand.