Burgundy House Ideas

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Burgundy House Ideas

Post by Zahrah »

First off, I'd just like to say that I'm in love with the Burgundy House and I think the dice are super neat and I play with mine every chance that I get (that sounds dirtier than I intended, but let's just roll with it... AHA puns). But I was talking with someone last night about the Burgundy House and it made me think up a few things that I think would make it even cooler!

1. Lavish suites. Right now, the rooms you can rent there are "modestly priced and well-appointed," as Zahrah would say, but why not have at least one lavish suite? I'm talking like... let's just get stupid here. They sell a crystal tankard that's almost 1k riln after all. So why not have some ridiculous suite with like 5 rooms that costs 1,000 riln (or more) a night. Because why not? (And also it might be fun to rent for a party or something. Or just because. You don't really need a reason for a lavish suite).

2. A function room that you can reserve for functions. I don't have any real suggestions for this, though. Just the general idea.

3. I know that the games are incomplete right now (and I can't wait to see the wheel room in action!) but I have one idea I think would fit with the current mechanics as it would work similarly to the dice. What about a coin you could flip? We had these in another MUD I played on and they were really popular in impromptu tavern gambling sessions. Like a person would bet on either "heads" or "tails", the coin would be flipped, and then they would probably lose a small fortune. Maybe the Burgundy House could offer some sort of commemorative "Coalition" coin (in honor of the Burgundy House being open yay!) that could be flipped. Maybe one side could be "Artisans" and the other "Mercenaries." And the command would be "flip coin" and then, like the dice, it would show the result to everyone in the room.

4. Another game idea (I love games in MUDs; the gameception just tickles me and I always enjoy seeing it) would be something to do with cards. I've only seen cards in a MUD once before, though, so no idea how much of a nightmare it would be to code in. Maybe instead of having a card deck that you could buy and carry around (though that would be stupidly fun), the Burgundy could have a card room with a table and that's the only place you could play the card game and you would need at least two people to start a game (or you could play against a NPC, I guess). Something like Blackjack might be easiest? I've been trying to research medieval gambling/games to come up with some ideas for an easy card game but I'm not coming up with much. Blackjack didn't come into being until the 18th century, but there was apparently an early 17th version of it called Bone-Ace (isn't that a fun name?) Learning things tonight.

5. Maybe some Burgundy-specific mixed drinks for sale? For example, I love that Jason's in Haiban sells a cocktail called the "Coalition" (that is actually a take on my favorite RL drink, ha). So maybe a few things like that. I think it'd just help give the Burgundy even more oomph. It's just such a neat building. They need neat drinks! Could play off the gem theme and... OH MAN. Screw cocktails. Do shots. Gemstone shots. Like "a ruby shooter," "amethyst shooter," etc. etc. Or maybe something on fire. Or maybe... I don't know. Something exotic and ridiculous and excessive. I just picture the Burgundy as being THE epitome of "excess." So the more ridiculous (and by ridiculous I mean over-the-top), the better in my opinion.
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Re: Burgundy House Ideas

Post by Jirato »

I've always been terrible with making drinks in-game, since I don't drink IRL...

Cool suggestions though. Keep the coming.
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Re: Burgundy House Ideas

Post by Zahrah »

I used to work as a cocktail waitress, so I can always help with drinks! I might come up with something more concrete for fancy Burgundy drink ideas later once I've properly caffeinated myself.
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Re: Burgundy House Ideas

Post by Zahrah »


First off, I had a more concrete idea for this "lavish suite" business. The Diamond Suite. Five rooms. An entryway/foyer, sitting room, bathroom (with an actual bath in it instead of just a font), bedroom, and balcony that would overlook the crossroads below so we can all enjoy seeing the various starving coyotes trying to eat each other there.

Now on to drinks!

Round of Shots
So, a normal drink has "tics" which is how many drinks you can get out of the cup depending on how big it is. So I propose that when you buy a round of shots, you automatically get 5 tics, so that will be 5 shots. No cup required as it will come with its own shot glasses. So when you buy the round, it would say something like, "The bartender passes you a round of shots." So you're now holding a round of shots (or maybe it could be on the bar like at Founder's when you get a drink at their bar, the bartender passes you a "bowl of breadsticks" and the breadsticks are on the bar). And then you could "drink round" and each of the 5 drinks would be a different shot. I've noticed that with some drinks, the flavor message will be randomized as there are multiple messages for that drink, so I'm assuming there would be a way to have a set flavor message for each shot as opposed to having it randomized (but the only coding I can do is web design, so I know nothing about the logistics of that. I'm just taking a shot in the dark... pun not intended. If having the shots as all one round would be too complicated, could just sell them separately).

When you looked at the round, it could say something like, "There are five shots on this round tray: a ruby shooter, an emerald shooter, a sapphire shooter, an amethyst shooter, and a diamond shooter." And that would be the order in which the "drinks" would occur, if that makes sense? So the first time you typed "drink round," you would get the flavor message for the ruby shooter. The second would be emerald, etc. etc. Okay, now for flavors.

Ruby shooter:
The ruby shooter is boldly sour, the burn of the vodka almost hidden beneath the various splashes of raspberry, cranberry, and lime.

Emerald shooter:
Reminiscent of biting into a ripe green apple, the emerald shooter is crisp with fruity flavor with a hint of hot ginger.

Sapphire shooter:
The sapphire shooter is a mix of sweet and sour, coconut rum complemented by lemon juice and blueberry liqueur.

Amethyst shooter:
Plum juice has been made sharp and bold in the amethyst shooter, hints of citrus and pepper marrying with the burn of pure vodka.

Diamond shooter:
The diamond shooter is a sweet and fruity finish, a splash of pineapple juice lending a hint of tartness to the mixture of peach and cherry liqueur.
[FROM Zeldryn (OOC)]: You're a fucking amazing RPer. +1000

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Re: Burgundy House Ideas

Post by Akila »

We need a take on the Flaming Blue Lamborghini. Firey Red Morgan Horse?
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Re: Burgundy House Ideas

Post by Zahrah »

Akila wrote:We need a take on the Flaming Blue Lamborghini. Firey Red Morgan Horse?
I was also thinking of "a Burgundy" drink and then maybe something like "a Blazing Win" that would be an on fire cocktail to go with the theme of the whole gambling house. But I was still coming up with ideas. Not sure what to base the Blazing Win off of but I was thinking the Burgundy could be a cross between a Hummingbird Water and Angry Balls (lol).
[FROM Zeldryn (OOC)]: You're a fucking amazing RPer. +1000

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Re: Burgundy House Ideas

Post by Akila »

How about Zoco to make the burgundy? It may be a bit too bright a red, but mixed with something else could turn it darker.

... now I want a cocktail.
[CHAT - Mayor Bryce of Bryceburgh]: It's that funny metal thing you put in your mouth, Galon, and then it goes "Boing, doing, dwang, dwang, doing, ding, boing, dwahng."
04:06:02 [CHAT - Mayor Bryce of Bryceburgh]: You know, the thing Snoopy plays to help Charlie Brown remember "i before e, except after c"
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Re: Burgundy House Ideas

Post by Zahrah »

Alright! Rolling in with two more drink ideas.

The Burgundy
What would show in the shop list:
This signature cocktail is a blend of sweet pear cider, hot cinnamon whiskey, and a tart raspberry beer which lends the drink its beautiful burgundy color.

I think it could have a couple of different flavor messages. My suggestions are as follows:
  • The Burgundy is a pleasant mixture of sweet and tart, notes of pear and raspberry dancing on your tongue.
  • The flavor of the hot cinnamon whiskey burns through the fruity notes of the drink, warming you from the inside out.

The Blazing Win
What would show in the shop list:
Having a lucky streak? Celebrate with this flaming hot mixture of orange liqueur, lemonade, vodka, and rum! Warning: Drink at your own risk. The Burgundy House is not responsible for singed beards, burnt tongues, or a loss in dignity.

What would show when the bartender pours the drink:
The bartender fills your <insert name of glass, goblet, or tankard here> with a mixture of orange liqueur, lemonade, and vodka before tossing a shot of clear rum on top and then lighting the whole thing on fire. With a wink, he sprinkles on a dash of cinnamon to make the flame throw sparks before saying, "Try not to burn yourself now."

Now, here's the part where I'm not sure what would be best. You could have the drink show as being "lit" and a person would have to "extinguish" it before they drank it or they would take a bit of damage or something? To their head? Because they just tried to drink a flame? (You know that would be funny). Or we could add a line to the bit above where the bartender tosses in a long straw to bypass that entirely. I know straws aren't exactly... medieval-esque? But since CLOK is a mashup of some different genres, I'm sure we could just look the other way with a straw making an appearance if having an actual coded on fire drink would be too much.

  • The Blazing Win is pleasantly tart and a touch sweet with its citrus notes of orange and lemon.
  • It goes down easy, tasting like an innocent glass of lemonade rather than a vodka-loaded cocktail. Dangerous.
EDIT: Added a bit more snark to The Blazing Win description.
[FROM Zeldryn (OOC)]: You're a fucking amazing RPer. +1000

Dorn bluntly asks, "And does it appear I have a wagon in my pocket?"
You quip, "It would honestly not surprise me if you did."

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