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Incomplete Outfits

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 12:38 pm
by Zahrah
First off, I would just like to say that I LOVE the outfit command. It's a life saver. I have seven in-game outfits and counting.

My only note is that it really really really REALLY sucks when, say you misplace one part of said outfit and then you can't change into it at all because the game is yelling at you that you're missing a part of your outfit. It would be great if, in this case, you could change into the partial outfit and then the game could note (Part of this outfit is missing. To see what type [whatever the command is]) instead of just entirely refusing to change into it altogether.

I encounter this problem a lot when my armor gets all banged up and I go and replace a piece and like a dummy, I forget to clear and reset the outfit before I change out of it and then the next time I go to gear up YOU'RE MISSING PARTS OF THIS OUTFIT and then begins the long process of getting Zahrah out of her like 20 pieces of jewelry (exaggeration) so I can manually change into the outfit and then reset it.


Re: Incomplete Outfits

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:57 am
by Lun
I had to dump my 7 outfits because I got rid of a shield that was integral to it.

It'd be nice if we could wear an outfit and then have it tell us "You couldn't find <piece>," and prevent abuse from people wearing pouches without belts by checking for a belt on outfit wearing and returning "You couldn't find <belt>, so you were unable to put on <sheaths, scabbards, pouches>"