Tutorial Addition

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Tutorial Addition

Post by Kiyaani »

Not sure if this is in there already, but can we add a part about nicknames to the opening tutorial or even to the login for returning players? And really make it prominent... like the first time entering the wilderness warning. I've seen several people just this week asking how they stop being a "guest". It would be a great way to let new and returning folks know how to set that up without them having to dig through the boards :)
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Re: Tutorial Addition

Post by jilliana »

I like this idea as well. This completely eliminate the asking, because some people just don't always look at the intro stuff. If you add it in the tutorial and in at least one other place should someone decide to skip it, it should make things a bit easier.
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Re: Tutorial Addition

Post by Liani »

as this was the case with me, i thought I might share. Not everyone wants to read the boards or knows how to deal with forums. i had to have someone guide me through them, because the bbs boards were literally one of the first forums I ever visited. Adding it to the tutorial would help a great deal.
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Re: Tutorial Addition

Post by Kiyaani »

OMG Welcome back Liani :)
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Re: Tutorial Addition

Post by Jirato »

There is a notice when you log in now telling you what your nickname is, what it's used for, and howe to change it.
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Re: Tutorial Addition

Post by Zahrah »

I would just like to briefly add to this that, as a new player, I didn't realize I would have to change my nickname EVERY time I logged into the game. I don't remember anywhere stating that the nickname change was a temporary effect. It was easy enough to set up a trigger client-side, but maybe stating somewhere that the change must be done each time you log in or setting it up so it's permanent until you state otherwise would be nice and help new players who just assume that one time is all it takes!
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