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Dirty Trick: Dirtkick Description

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:07 am
by Dorn
While it may have made sense when ability descriptions were all given out by Guild trainers, so they were done in a bit more of a tone for the respective Guild... it seems like nearly all of them have been converted into more concise generic ones once they became General Abilities.

Dirtkick is the exception.

Information on Dirty Trick: Dirtkick:

If yer stuck in combat wit someone and need ta make a quick getaway, kick some dirt in their eyes and head for the hills while they're stuck blinkin and tryin to regain their focus. It's also a really good setup for other actions that rely on stealth, since they won't be able to watch ya too well with that dirt in their eyes.
(OOC: Kick dirt in someone's eyes, causing roundtime, severely reducing their perception and possibly stunning them. Also breaks attack engagement and combat presses.)
Usage: dirtkick [target]

...while it does have the OOC description after like others, it does stand out when put alongside the other descriptions, even the other Dirty Trick descriptions. Any chance it could be "unified" to fit in with the rest?

Re: Dirty Trick: Dirtkick Description

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:54 am
by Bryce
You have to adopt that speech in order to take the ability. It's a prerequisite.

Re: Dirty Trick: Dirtkick Description

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:23 pm
by Jaster
If yer not feelin too good about er, then you prolly should'n pick er up. Nah what I'm sayin'!?