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Artisans and Tasks

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:18 pm
by Dorn
So. Artisans get pretty early on, asked to do stuff in iron or steel. The fact is, in today's day and age, those two materials in terms of being easily accessible are rare as heck. Would it be possible to either make those materials more commonplace for your average Artisan to get hold of, or remove the tasks?

I feel like this is an extra hump for attracting new players to the game, because let us face it, they often become Artisans and this is a huge hump for them to struggle past. They can't access iron unless they're friendly with a certain faction, or have access to a player mine, or X mines (I'm not even sure if they can get it from wilderness mines), and the same for coal.

P.S. No one is ever happy.

Re: Artisans and Tasks

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:07 pm
by gralkik
I concur. With the restrictions on Mistral Lake's mine and the odd time you find iron in Haiban, coal seems to be extremely rare commodity. To almost being unable to locate it all together, ever since the player mines have been unoperable.

Re: Artisans and Tasks

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:18 pm
by jilliana
One of the things I remember a former GM saying about the guild is that not everything has to be mined. There are players that keep things around and willing to sell as well. It's a matter of asking. Of course, the flip to that is that there aren't enough players logged in at times. Yay for board posts!