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Paying for ads

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:17 pm
by jilliana
I've noticed that people tend to post the same things on the town boards. Some people have goods and services, others are always looking for certain materials and commodities. Most of these people tend to be consistent.

I think it would be neat to be able to pay for posting ads if we want them to stay up longer than a week. Sort of like a newspaper ad. Since posts stay up for a week and not everyone would want to spend the riln for a single post only meant to stay for a day or two, I think those should be free still. It's those posts we want to stay longer than a week, and we pay ahead for the amount of time we want the ad to be reposted up to something like a month.

I'm thinking it would be a service provided through the town hall. I don't think Haiban or Corvus have those though.

Anyways. Positive feedback on this idea would be great.