Coydogs and Bloodhounds

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Coydogs and Bloodhounds

Post by Kiyaani »

Would it be possible for the Shadgard town bloodhounds to ignore the coydogs so this doesn't happen anytime they're in a room together:

A point-eared scruffy coydog is revealed by a droopy-eared tan bloodhound!
A droopy-eared tan bloodhound barks at a point-eared scruffy coydog!

A point-eared scruffy coydog is revealed by a droopy-eared tan bloodhound!
A droopy-eared tan bloodhound barks at a point-eared scruffy coydog!

A point-eared scruffy coydog is revealed by a droopy-eared tan bloodhound!
A droopy-eared tan bloodhound barks at a point-eared scruffy coydog!

There's much more, but you get the idea. It would be greatly appreciated to reduce spam.
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Re: Coydogs and Bloodhounds

Post by Jirato »

Doesn't seem that unreasonable that it'd happen, dogs bark at each other. But, I agree the text scroll it generates is probably a bit excessive. I'll add it to my list of things to look at.
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