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Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 9:16 am
by jilliana
I don't know when the inability to bandage oneself in the dark was implemented, but it was certainly a surprise to me.

The request is pretty self-explanitory. If not all wounds, could we at least slap something on a bleeder?

Re: Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 4:39 pm
by Jirato
I don't really want to promote people using dark rooms as safe areas to bandage and stuff. There are far too many occurrences of people fighting critters near dark areas, and any time they're in danger they just go into a dark room where the critters don't fight back to recover.

Re: Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 4:54 pm
by jilliana
Are you willing to consider the possibility of making an exception for nether-filled areas where they see you in the dark anyways?

Re: Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 12:38 am
by Dovey
How would you see in the dark though? ^^

Re: Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 12:46 am
by Marauder
I honestly don't think this should be a thing unless you're bandaging yourself, in which case lack of vision should reduce your first aid rolls.

Simply put, unless you're a god-like Mummer with some special privileges (painsensing is something I doubt will be a thing anyway), you cannot tell where a person is bleeding out from without seeing it somehow. On yourself, you don't have to ask, "Is this the right spot? Is this right?" every few seconds to bandage something even adequately without sight.

Re: Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 12:48 am
by jilliana
Yeah. I'm not necessarily talking about bandaging others, just yourself.

Re: Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:03 am
by Dovey
Fair enough. ;) Do the mobs still see you if you are hidden?

Re: Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:07 am
by jilliana
No, but I think there was a recent change tthat states that if you're holding a light source, it doesn't show you as hidden. Not too sure on that though since I'm not one for walking around that way for more than a moment.

Re: Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:15 am
by Dovey
I honestly don't see the difference between being able to bandage in the dark and just hiding and bandaging, which many do, including my self. :D

Re: Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:51 pm
by Jaster
I feel that my past work experience as a paramedic and EMT for 6 years gives me a certain amount of authority to speak on the subject matter at hand.

If you have a general understanding of human anatomy, it is possible to tell if and even from where someone else is bleeding even in the dark. Sight is not the only sense humans have to work with.

I would wager to say that, given you are experienced in trauma care and bandaging, it would even be possible to effectively bandage someone in the dark. Not to say it would be as good a job as if you could see what you were doing, but if you think about the application of trauma care and bandaging of wounds on the battlefield from real world history it is something we have been doing for centuries under even worse circumstances/conditions than "Oh noez it's too dark to see", often to life-saving effect.

That said, I believe Jirato's application in the context of the game is reasonable, as it is a mechanism that has been put into place to keep people from "gaming the system". :D

Re: Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:18 am
by merin
What about this suggestion?

Allow people to bandage bleeders in the dark. As Jaster says, we would be able to tell where the bleeding is coming from, thanks to our other senses. Since we would be bandaging in the dark, make the bandages come off – even with a poultice – way faster than it would without. The way I’m envisioning my suggestion is a way to slip off and make sure you are not going to be painting the surrounding area with a nice shade of blood while you attempt to make an escape to tend to yourself properly. Also, make only bleeders tenable in the dark.

If someone wants to try to game the system by slapping a poultice on a bandage, or use a poulticed bandage, make the check difficult for that to succeed. Even though we can save a life under less than perfect circumstances, I’m willing to bet that our Clok personalities are visual in nature, like those that can see often are, so they would maybe get the effect they wanted (stopping the bleeding), but wasting the poultice in the effort, due to it being placed wrong or falling off the bandage. In the case of slapping a poultice on a bandage in the dark, make the character fumble the poultice, forcing them to use a light to find it in the dark, if they don’t outright ruin it.

Another idea is to make the bandage lessen the bleeding. SO if you’re bleeding at -4 energy per bleed, you use a bandage and, since it’s under less than ideal conditions, you’re now bleeding at a -2 or a -1. You’re still bleeding, the wound would still be a little easier to deal with, but your situation would be slightly better off, allowing for a better chance at escape to do it properly.

Re: Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:21 pm
by jilliana
The ideal thing would for us to be able to slap something on a bleeder. I don't care about the others as long as I can get out of danger alive as well as not put anyone else in the same situation should I pass out and die. With that in mind, I do like Merin's suggestions.

Re: Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 2:41 pm
by Skjotur
The ability to at least stop bleeding would be good. Some places are completely dark through the whole area, I don't think people hurt and lost in those areas should be unable to bandage themselves just because it's dark. What about doubling or tripling the roundtime and the difficulty. Make it a perk of high first aid skill, or the bushcraft ability because if you're a bushcrafter you're going to be more used to doing things in the dark of night.

Re: Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:15 pm
by jilliana
I'm all over perks. Definitely. Give us all a reason to grind first aid to +500 or whatever the new average is these days.

Re: Request: Bandaging in the dark

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 4:14 am
by Jirato
I'm sorry, but I've kinda made up my mind on this. I just feel dark rooms are way too safe right now. I know it's a little artificial and gamey to do this just to increase the difficulty, but well, it is a game.