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Request: More Regular Changelog Updates

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 1:47 pm
by jilliana
I know for a little while there we were getting changelog updates at least once every two to three weeks. Is it possible that that could be considered again by the GM staff?

My reason for requesting this is simple enough - there are changes that affect players and sometimes we sit here wondering what happened. Not only that, but there are actually good changes and we are unable to act on them because they may or may not have been announced. There are also players who are unable to log in regularly now that it's a busier time of year. Yet another reason is that it allows those players who weren't around for a long time to determine exactly when changes were made instead of assuming they were made around the time the changelog was posted.

I also know that that the GM staff is busy these days with lots of things and I don't know how very difficult it is to actually gather the information to make an accurate log of the changes.

Thanks for your consideration!

Re: Request: More Regular Changelog Updates

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 1:54 pm
by Kiyaani
I agree with this 100%. We used to get these so regularly and now it's months between them it seems like. It's good to know there's progress being made on the player side. It's good to find out about changes and updates. But it's also good motivation for the GMs to have something to show and be proud of.

Re: Request: More Regular Changelog Updates

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 2:53 pm
by Dorn
I especially feel like it is relevant when there are rather dramatic changes to the way existing abilities work with no notification that effect a lot of players (currently playing and not)

Re: Request: More Regular Changelog Updates

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 5:15 pm
by Jirato
Dorn wrote:I especially feel like it is relevant when there are rather dramatic changes to the way existing abilities work with no notification that effect a lot of players (currently playing and not)
If there's ever a change of that magnitude, it should be posted about on the BBS.

There just hasn't been as much activity lately to warrant bi-weekly changelogs. If the bi-weekly changelog only has like two or three minor tweaks on it, then... that's just a waste IMO. I'm doing the job of three people at work and have a girlfriend to take care of home. I can't really work on CLOK for 4 hours a day like I was doing last year.

With the new Mantis bug tracker, you can view bugs as they're squished real-time. Major new features and tweaks will be posted about separately in their relevant forum or the general announcements forum, and consolidated in a changelog that will be posted when we feel it has enough content.

Re: Request: More Regular Changelog Updates

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 6:47 pm
by Dorn
Jirato wrote:If there's ever a change of that magnitude, it should be posted about on the BBS..
Jirato wrote:There just hasn't been as much activity lately to warrant bi-weekly changelogs. If the bi-weekly changelog only has like two or three minor tweaks on it, then... that's just a waste IMO. I'm doing the job of three people at work and have a girlfriend to take care of home. I can't really work on CLOK for 4 hours a day like I was doing last year.

With the new Mantis bug tracker, you can view bugs as they're squished real-time. Major new features and tweaks will be posted about separately in their relevant forum or the general announcements forum, and consolidated in a changelog that will be posted when we feel it has enough content.
And I don't think anyone is asking for tons of changes or bi-weekly logs listing a ton of details, as I think the recent thread about other game development shows that in general the playerbase is aware that the GMs have a life/other goals/pursuits/etc, but even the occasional monthly post to show "We've squashed this/this/this" even if it is just one or two things is appreciated in showing that things continue even if slower than other periods of development (for whatever reason).

Of course, as you point out, it may just mean the playerbase becoming more aware and following the Mantis Bug Tracker. But, I think as GMs you should never discount how a simple post from you guys about working on things can be comforting to those playing and also enticing to players who follow the forums but don't actively play.

Re: Request: More Regular Changelog Updates

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:47 pm
by jilliana
To be blunt, I think CLOK does need to change the way they think about updating the players to changes.

I'm not a fan of comparing games, but I'll do it in this case. There are a number of MUDs that do post changes in-game the instant things are changed. They're not logs, but simple changes. That way, if someone looks at a series of changes, there is a date next to them instead of one long log posted occasionally. Upon logging in, one is informed that there are x number of changes. In a way, CLOK staff already does that by making announcements. Those announcements can be turned into those above-requested changes and a player logs in and sees that list. Not sure if I'm explaining myself well.

The Mantis bug tracking system has yet to really catch. I think the idea is a good one, but some of us do prefer the old system still. This is mostly because we can hop onto the game or we check the BBS regardless if we play or not. Not to say that Mantis isn't good, we just have to remember to look at it.

As Dorn's nice to see a few changes on a more regular basis. It's definitely a good contributor to player morale. We don't expect a long laundry list of bugs, changes and improvements. A little here, a little there is definitely better than the rare tidbit.

This is the most flexible and understanding playerbase I've ever seen as far as understanding that the staff have lives. Maybe it's a matter of delegating some assignments since you, Jirato, seem to be extremely busy.