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Christmas in October

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:18 am
by Jaren
Twas snowing in Shadgard and all through the night,
The GMs were stirring, fixing bugs left and right.

One night St. Rias looked at his great big list,
So many suggestions, what could he have missed.

He furrowed his brow and stroked his long white beard,
"I have a life too... one at a time...", he sneered.

If you have a suggestion for Rias to do,
Write up a list, in order, for Rias to view.

There are so many things on the to do list for the GMs right now and they can't get to them all right away. So, I wanted to make a post where players could list there top 3 suggestions (in order 1 to 3) that they would like to see worked on next. Granted these suggestions should be things that were already looked at in other posts and are just waiting in limbo on the to do list somewhere. -Hopefully-, some of us would like to see some of the same things and therefore maybe help give the GM staff a better idea of what the community is looking forward too.

<clears throat, coughs> Ok, I guess I should go first:

#1 Alchemy/herbology/poisons forum link 1 and forum link 2

#2 Dual wield modes forum link

#3 Fun things to buy with guild recognition points. (in many many posts)

(As I was going through the forums I was amazed at how many things are -now- implemented straight from player suggestions. My thanks to everyone who worked hard to get those up and running!)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:39 pm
by Rithiel
Alchemy/herbalism is being worked on, although I anticipate it's going to take a while, as it's a rather large undertaking, and there are lots of associated mechanics that also have to be implemented.

Just so everybody knows.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:26 pm
by Rias
Nice poem.

I'll happily shift [some] focus to requests that are popular amongst players on a list like this. It's nice to have some direction and things to work on that will be (nearly) guaranteed to be appreciated by the playerbase.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:28 pm
by Jaren
It would be nice if we could get some of the player base to respond.... hello? <echo effect>

I'll bring tacos if you make a list too..... <pushes a taco through his usb port to share with all>

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:07 am
by Isiaa
Herbalism/alchemy.Recognition points.Some more roleplay only skills.Like calligraphy, mechanics (clockwork soldiers,printing presses etc).More languages.

PS:I don't like taccos.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:17 am
by Jaster
I agree on the poison stuff, and fun stuff to do with recognition points (I have a ton)! But alas, I'm still waiting for more lore! Especially Grum lore and world history in general. :D

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:22 pm
by Rithiel
Absolutely no promises that anything you say will make it into the game, but what are people hoping for with poisons/potions?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:09 pm
by Jaster
Contact poisons. I apply them to an object, door, etc.. and then when anyone touches it (I guess it would make sense with an ungloved hand) then they could be poisoned. Food/drink poisoning. Applying poisons to weapons is obvious. And of course, poison for traps. Having a blowgun or something for poison darts would be cool.

I think it would be interesting to have different applications for herbs too. Like, maybe you could grind up a particularly noxious spice into a powdery substance and throw it in the eyes. Or for alchemy stuff you could throw acid like materials on people for burning damage. You know, stuff like that. :D

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:06 pm
by Jaren
You obviously don't want to make the potions too powerful seeing as the majority of the current professions are mostly for rp items or making more money. Well, with the exception of woodcarving swords, bows, arrows etc. So maybe for now something that gives a few small perks like a little bit of healing or some small proc or trap effect with the poisons.

Then you could also make some rp items that maybe give some weird effects like floating or strange auras. Like if you mix apples you might start smelling like apples, or make perfumes that (in rp) make you seem more alluring to the opposite sex. (Jaster would love that one lol)

You could also make some potions that would have a major effect like invisibility or it attracts monsters to you. But those would require a lot of effort (and failures) to create.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:10 pm
by Rithiel
The way it's shaping up, the plan is to make alchemy much closer to professions in some of those other games people might play, requiring the learning of recipes and the like, precisely because it will have non-RP implications (as well as plenty of RP implications).

The process is going to be a lot more involved than the other professions, but we'll do our best to make it as non-grindy as possible.