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Post by Lun »

It would be nice to have a command to briefly show where nearby enemies are. Not sure how to say exactly what i want in words, so here's an example of how it might work


You scan the surrounding area...
South 1 - A crazed grizzly
South 1 - A furious badger


You scan the surrounding area...
North 2 - A bloated carrier
South 1 - A bloated carrier
East 3 - A bloated carrier

Where the number indicated the distance. You can't see around corners, and you might not see further than one room away if it's not wide open area.

It's kind of like a super convenient peer n/w/e/s. It would be a very convenient addition to quality of life. Instead of wildly running around everywhere, we can hunt with purpose because we see something in the distance.
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Re: scan

Post by Jirato »

This comes up every now and then.

I'm not opposed to adding a briefer version of peer that just shows occupants. I really don't like the idea of automatically checking every exit though. Maybe if it were tied to an ability/skill and have a roundtime associated with it. And I'll say right now that you'd never be able to scan multiple rooms deep (2 east, etc) or in the wilderness.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
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Re: scan

Post by Uandir »

Jirato wrote:...... I'm not opposed to adding a briefer version of peer that just shows occupants. I really don't like the idea of automatically checking every exit though. Maybe if it were tied to an ability/skill and have a roundtime associated with it ....
Perhaps you could tie it to someone's perception? Think of it as 'briefly scanning' your surroundings, something done in a hurry and bound to miss some beings/objects when taking environmental factors into play. I would like being able to scan, maybe a 2-4 seconds roundtime?

Jirato wrote: .... And I'll say right now that you'd never be able to scan multiple rooms deep (2 east, etc) or in the wilderness.
Makes sense, given how 'rooms' are actually big areas in clok, or so I've come to understand.
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Re: scan

Post by jilliana »

I actually like this idea, but I want to suggest an alternative of sorts.
I think this would be the case for me as well as a few other that I don't want to peer because of all the other stuff that comes with it, AKA room description. Is it even mechanically possible to have it to where we don't see the room desc at all and only the MOB/items?
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