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You must wait "a while" before departing

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:40 pm
by Kent
Again, more for the sake of the new player, instead of You must wait "a while" before departing, could we have the time mentioned, ie.

You must wait 4 mins 45 secs more before departing

I can see the newcomer typing Depart a few times during the first few minutes, to him apparently getting nowhere with our current message, and saying, " Scroo it, I'm outta this game." Often lately there have been fewer than 3 players on, and with that, no response to looking at the bell.

Re: You must wait "a while" before departing

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 7:31 am
by Jirato
It now says "((Please wait X seconds before departing.))"