Tracking and logging off

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Tracking and logging off

Post by Skjotur »

It would be nice if when someone logs off, it leaves tracks that say something like "Some <type> tracks wander off and become lost."
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Re: Tracking and logging off

Post by Kent »

Skjotur wrote:It would be nice if when someone logs off, it leaves tracks that say something like "Some <type> tracks wander off and become lost."
Does the tracking skill ever result in anything useful, guys? The limited experience I had with it resulted in me walking a few leagues in a direction and have the tracks cease. I did an ability reset and didn't take tracking again.

Wondering if anyone has any true tales of how tracking was useful to them, and I mean something more meaningful than, " I hunted a pheasant once, it slipped away from me, and I was able to use Track to locate that pheasant instead of having to 'hunt' a second time!"
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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Re: Tracking and logging off

Post by Kiyaani »

Tracking has been useful to me several times either during events or just out in the world trying to see what people are up to and 'arrange' chance meetings. I think the suggestion of having the trail end more naturally would be a great improvement.
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Re: Tracking and logging off

Post by Skjotur »

Tracking is probably my favorite and definitely my most use ability. With a little guess work and if possible some rumors to go on, you can learn a lot about recent goings on just be seeing where people have been, and it's a good way to meet up with people for someone like me especially, who doesn't use ESP amulets. I have tracked friends and enemies alike, I have found places I didn't know about, I have observed behavior patterns. It is not a skill that hands everything to you though, you have to be smart with it, make educated guesses, and have the patience to use it.
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Re: Tracking and logging off

Post by Jirato »

This is a good idea, sorry I haven't gotten around to adding it yet. Got it on my list now.
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