Selling furniture and mailing heavy things

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Selling furniture and mailing heavy things

Post by Kiyaani »

Currently it seems there is no way to sell or mail anything which cannot be held in your hand. Dragging does not qualify. I'm unsure if furniture even has a sell back value. And while you can appraise the cost to post such things, they cannot actually be mailed. Would it be possible to allow for dragged items to be mailed or pawned?
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Re: Selling furniture and mailing heavy things

Post by jilliana »

I'm not sure about mailing furniture, but I do like the idea of having other options as to what to do with my heavy stuff if I don't want it anymore aside from leavingit in the wilderness to get janitored.
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Re: Selling furniture and mailing heavy things

Post by Kiyaani »

Well the mailing was more in the case of I had a very heavy trunk full of stuff I was sending to someone and the post office was able to appraise it but not mail it. I'm not really expecting UPS for the lost lands though I imagine that wagons could be used for post just as easily as runners or riders with bags. It would certainly be useful for those carpenters out there and their customers.
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Re: Selling furniture and mailing heavy things

Post by sona »

I wonder if the artisan's request board would be a good option for this - I've not personally gotten to test it's functionality because requests have largely been 1.unable to be produced by an artisan, and/or 2. been an unreasonable cost request.
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