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Racial Abilities

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:08 am
by Dorn
Basic idea, grant different races the ability to pick up "Racial Abilities". Fully fleshed out, I could see each race having a couple, maybe three at the most, but instead of being automatically granted as a member of the race, a person would have to pick it up with an Ability Slot.

One random thought for one that was lurking off the top of my head when I thought of this was..

Rhuidim: Unlocks Sorcery for the character, but with a skill cap of... 500? Something to the lines of being proficient, but not a master or exceptional.

Re: Racial Abilities

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:59 am
by Jaster
Unleash the meta!

Re: Racial Abilities

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:03 am
by Mooshie
How would that work for mixed races? Or, with the example above, someone who is a rook. Would be kinda redundant no?

Re: Racial Abilities

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:06 am
by Dorn
Which is why, they're not given on creation, and selecting one would cost an ability slot. On the other hand, for a non-Rook, it might be handy and neat along with possibly fitting the flavor of the race. Someone with Sorcery from elsewhere, wouldn't bother picking it, but maybe one of the other Rhuidim abilites would interest them. Or maybe it wouldn't, as Rooks tend to be fairly hard pressed on points anyway if you want to pick up their stuff.

Re: Racial Abilities

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:01 pm
by ydia
Interesting idea.

Re: Racial Abilities

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:46 pm
by Jirato
This has been sitting in my unanswered post list for awhile, and I hate to bring it up again just to shoot it down. But I just wanted to state that I'm strongly against adding additional racial abilities beyond what we already have (which has more to do with build and height than race).

Getting a skill like sorcery outside of a guild that offers it might as well be on the never list. I know it's happened in the distant distant past, if anyone from those times even still plays and remembers it, but stuff like that is never going to happen in today's CLOK. We made the transition to guild abilities to unlock magic over 3 years ago and plan to stick to it.

Re: Racial Abilities

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:47 pm
by Dorn
Fair enough. Thanks for getting to it, and not just leaving it sitting J.