Consumables: The future!

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Consumables: The future!

Post by Lun »

Hey all y'all! I was taking a shower when I was hit with this amazing idea. One-time use consumable items. Consumables open up a lot of strategy, but it's also a bit literally "pay to win". Are you willing to dish out the riln to tilt things in your favor? Theres no guarantee that drakolin isn't going to oneshot your tanks, even after you spent 25k, but damn if I'm not going to do it anyway.

*If nothing else, I hope that everyone can put in ideas for items that may or most likely will not be implemented in the future.

A lot of the prices are inflated for the sake of being inflated. I also shamelessly stole the idea from Monster Hunter.

"I'm at cap, and so are my friends, but we're up against a giant monster and we need to plan out a strategy. How can we surpass this difficulty difference? how can I be a MONSTER HUNTER?"
"I'm being bullied by a triple-cap player and I've got a LOT of money."
"I'm duking it out with another player who's the same skill as me, how can I tilt things in my favor a bit?"
A lot of these items would have their own set roll difficulty, not scaling to a skill. This prevents the problem of a 100v99999 when trying to proc one, it's more like 100v100 or 500v500 for the difficulty roll for these items.

Example items:
Tranq dart: Hit your opponent with it (hurled or FIREd from a blowpipe) does VERY little damage but inflicts woozy (Temporarily lowers damage, dodge, attack roll) 15s per dart, the effect. At 60s, increases penalty, at 120s, clears effect and puts target to deep sleep for 1 minute. Smaller creatures have smaller tolerance. Costs like 1000 riln (You'd have spent a collective 12000 putting something to sleep.)
Tranq poison: Apply to your melee weapon of choice, same effect as above. Costs 1500, buff only lasts a few swings, hit or miss.
Blinding dust: Temporarily stun target as they flinch from your blinding dust,lowers perception. Relies on hurl roll. Pocket sand, HAaaaa! Hope it's not windy, or it'll have no effect. Forces user into engage. Costs like 500 riln
Small/Large bomb trap: arm it, hide it, and lure your enemies into this explosive trap! cost scales to bomb. Perception and dodge can counter this trap. (You notice a bomb trap, and avoid triggering it!) Avoiding the trap puts it into the open and anyone fighting in the room might set it off. Yowza.
Hurled bomb: Does a decent amount of fire and heat damage, hurl damage based.
Rope: LASSO your enemy, forcing enemies that would flee to stay in the room like an extended press. No more running, pheasants! 400 riln
Drugged meat: It's a trap! Arm it, put it out in the open near a drakolin, hide, and wait for him to nom on it. Instantly inflicts 30s of woozy 5000 riln
Sound bomb: Light it, toss it, instantly blasts everything's eardrums. Everyone gets stunned, whether they're hiding or revealed. Also hurts user. 1000 riln
Dung bomb: light it, toss it, random chance of stunning anyone in the room, user included. Mask or face covering mitigates effect a bit, buffing user roll against stink. 1000 riln
Dynamite: Cause a collapse in a mine room, but also has chance of revealing random veins (used only in player mines) instantly destroys supports. 1000 riln, artisan special
Holy water: Water that's had some mystery property changed through prolonged exposure to thaumaturgy. Stuns and wets a tainted or nethrim when hurled (and hits) for a short period of time. Wets a normal target. When drunk, heals 2 energy and a fraction of what a single channeled thaumaturgy cast might heal. 500 riln each.

Jet: Massively boost melee/marksmanship score for short period of time (10 minutes) followed by 60 minute debuff to melee, dodge, and marksmanship. Take it too often and it will have no effect. Costs like 10k riln
Flare: Light it, toss it, it creates an inextinguishable light source that lasts a set amount of time. Great for those cave drakolin fights! Costs like 500 riln
Energy drink: 25 energy, take too much and you're JITTERY. 500riln
Hot drink: Lowers your coldness by a lot. 500 riln
Whetstone: Raise your weapons quality up one grade, but TRIPLE its durability cost per swing! Whoa. 500 riln

Pets are consumable because they're one-time use.
20k each, 0 in all skills. You should leave it at home.
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Re: Consumables: The future!

Post by sona »

Drakolin = Apex Shagaru Magala
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