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Ability make gun ammunition.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:48 pm
by Mooshie
So, I was doing some reading on mountain men, that sort of thing, when I stumbled across this article. ... ing-range/

People can make all sorts of things in CLOK, and I feel ammo should be one of them. There is the complication of what exactly making ammo would fall under...but I'm think Blacksmithing? Anyway, just an idea.

Re: Ability make gun ammunition.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:12 pm
by Sneaky
If it did get put in I'd say only have it for the Artasens. Mainly because it requires a mold, and I don't think everybody in the lost lands is going to be able to create a perfect spherical mold. By the way it's described though, it doesn't sound like their's much skill involved, so the shot quality is more determined by the quality of the mold.

Re: Ability make gun ammunition.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 6:16 am
by Jirato
This is something I've wanted to add for awhile, but is going to have to be shelved until we rework the smelting/forging system. It's pretty much near the bottom of the priority list at the moment, sorry!

Re: Ability make gun ammunition.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:57 am
by Fayne
I didn't even know that was on the list to be reworked.

Re: Ability make gun ammunition.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:00 am
by Kent
Sneaky wrote:If it did get put in I'd say only have it for the Artasens. Mainly because it requires a mold, and I don't think everybody in the lost lands is going to be able to create a perfect spherical mold. By the way it's described though, it doesn't sound like their's much skill involved, so the shot quality is more determined by the quality of the mold.
Pretty sure they dropped molten lead from heights to produce nice round ammo.

Re: Ability make gun ammunition.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:55 am
by jilliana
Sneaky wrote:If it did get put in I'd say only have it for the Artasens. Mainly because it requires a mold, and I don't think everybody in the lost lands is going to be able to create a perfect spherical mold. By the way it's described though, it doesn't sound like their's much skill involved, so the shot quality is more determined by the quality of the mold.
Where I can understand where you're coming from, I'm of the mind that anyone with the proper prerequisites should be able to make ammo. I like a penalty somewhere there. Limit to the rest of us only being able to make up to average quality and the artisons could make better with some nice benefit thrown in.

I don't like the idea of an artisan-only anything since there tend to be periods where players lose interest in grinding and switch out for a time or stop playing altogether.

Re: Ability make gun ammunition.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:24 pm
by Fayne
I don't think making shot should be restricted at all. The way these things are made is by pouring molten lead or iron into a mold and letting it set; in other words, they are cast. Pretty much every ball of shot made in one of these molds would come out the exact same quality as the rest, assuming the conditions were identical each time. The only way I could support them being somewhat exclusive is if the equipment to cast them was only craftable by Artisans and had durability that couldn't be repaired. Then, to keep masterful shot rare, masterful casting equipment would produce mainly exquisite shot, with the occasional masterful for when you get that rare perfect casting.

And for anyone that has doubts about this, these things were (and still are by some people) cast using nothing but a small campfire. For an example and walkthrough, see this video:

Re: Ability make gun ammunition.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:49 pm
by Jirato
(Going through my old unanswered posts here)

Interesting reference material.

It's something that's been on "the list" for a long, long, time. Which is to say, a complete overhaul of metallurgy and the smelting system. It's not exactly a priority issue though. It might be a fun rainy day project, but I can't see myself spending any time on it any time soon with everything else that we also want to work on. Sorry.