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Something lost: Ability to reject Shadow Familiar raise

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 12:29 pm
by Kent
In the past, if a player dragged your corpse to a rook to get raised, a Shadow Familiar came into your view while you were dead and you had to type Join Familiar or somesuch to be raised, otherwise you stayed dead.

Something was seriously lost when this option was taken away from the players and now players are rook-raised against their will. A major cut to a good roleplay feature this game once possessed. Please, lets do away with this step back and put the former mechanic back in place where the shadow familiar may be rejected and death preferred.

Re: Something lost: Ability to reject Shadow Familiar raise

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 3:07 pm
by Kunren
Kent wrote:In the past, if a player dragged your corpse to a rook to get raised, a Shadow Familiar came into your view while you were dead and you had to type Join Familiar or somesuch to be raised, otherwise you stayed dead.

Something was seriously lost when this option was taken away from the players and now players are rook-raised against their will. A major cut to a good roleplay feature this game once possessed. Please, lets do away with this step back and put the former mechanic back in place where the shadow familiar may be rejected and death preferred.
I disagree. With the current knowledge we have about death being as it is, i.e. you should have pretty much no memory of the time when dead and little consciousness, choosing to be able to join a shadow familiar or not is a bit much IMO. I personally like the opportunities it opens up for after revival RP, after your character realizes how he was revived and his reactions to that.

Re: Something lost: Ability to reject Shadow Familiar raise

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:50 pm
by Fayne
Not to mention the fact that 1) it is extremely annoying to other players when someone keeps ringing the bell if they already have the opportunity to revive any time they wish, 2) as Kunren mentioned, you're removing RP opportunity by allowing players to purposely refuse a certain type of raising, 3) there are efforts in place by other players to make it clear where your character prefers to be raised, and 4) the effects of being revived by nether, whether viewed as negative or positive by your character, would hardly ever see use by anyone except those who wished to have them otherwise.

In short, I think we gained much when it was made involuntary, rather than losing anything at all.

Re: Something lost: Ability to reject Shadow Familiar raise

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:58 pm
by Dakhal
You can't refuse thaumaturgic revival. Why should you be able to refuse sorcerous?


Re: Something lost: Ability to reject Shadow Familiar raise

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 7:29 am
by Dorn
Personally, I like it. I'm hoping we see some interesting RP from it.

Re: Something lost: Ability to reject Shadow Familiar raise

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:42 pm
by Kent
Dakhal wrote:You can't refuse thaumaturgic revival. Why should you be able to refuse sorcerous?

maybe you should be able to refuse thaumaturgic retrieval, maybe you shouldn't.

the point is, when rook raising was attempted you used to have a familiar show up in the void and you had to type something to follow it back into life...or not type in and thus reject that path.

Re: Something lost: Ability to reject Shadow Familiar raise

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:43 pm
by Kent
Dorn wrote:Personally, I like it. I'm hoping we see some interesting RP from it.
some rather non-interesting RP came from it in Kent's case.