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help your colleagues out

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:59 pm
by ydia
I think it would be awesome if guilds had donation crates like the city have, that could help out your fellow colleagues.

Re: help your colleagues out

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:40 pm
by Slaidh
And for Dwaedn Wyr, we need a sparring ring!

Re: help your colleagues out

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:05 pm
by jilliana
I'm on the fence about this idea.

Some guilds have board posts and it's nice to be able to gain opportunities to roleplay by smply posting that you are looking for something and someone else comes through and you get to talking and doing things together.

On the other hand, sometimes people aren't around.

The only thing I would object to using donation crates for are the expensive items like study books and such.

Re: help your colleagues out

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:03 am
by ydia
I totally understand the book part.

Re: help your colleagues out

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:52 am
by Jirato
It really depends on the guild and their individual guru.

As for my guilds:

The Tse Gaiyan guilds already have this.

Haiban is basically the home of the Western Coalition, and they already have a donation crate for their town.

The Elemancers have a board, which I believe is sufficient for the reasons already stated here (Just post that you're looking for something!)

The Claw of Shar, if it did exist, is far too eeeeviil for stuff like this. Cold hearted killers for hire... SHARING! Yeah, no.

I can't really see it for Brotherhood of the Fist or Mummers either, not because they're horrible people who don't want to share, but it just doesn't feel right. For the mummers, their camp is so open and insecure, putting any donation goods out there would basically be like leaving it out in the wilderness. For Brofist, Arlen likes keeping the tavern and training area kinda simple. Though he may be persuaded if his students ask him.

I can definitely see something like this for the Church, or at least a board if they don't have one already, I'll have to check.

The other small handful of guilds I guru only have 1 active member each, so... yeah.

Re: help your colleagues out

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:55 am
by ydia
I'd really like it for the church. We have a board, but it looks like it is never used, and with so few of us a crate would be neat to leave extra herbs, clothing, or templars armor maybe. that way if you are need and no one is around you can check the crate to see if someone dropped their extra in there.

Re: help your colleagues out

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:38 am
by Acarin
No thanks on the brofist front. I can't think of a single commonly available item that brofists need that would even be worth sharing.

Re: help your colleagues out

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:41 am
by Rias
Acarin wrote:No thanks on the brofist front. I can't think of a single commonly available item that brofists need that would even be worth sharing.

Re: help your colleagues out

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 12:10 pm
by Fayne
What, and hide those beautifully smashed faces and broken fingers? Psh, come on.

Re: help your colleagues out

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:45 am
by Acarin
Rias wrote:
Acarin wrote:No thanks on the brofist front. I can't think of a single commonly available item that brofists need that would even be worth sharing.
For 2 riln each, I'm not sure that this would be worth it. There's an infirmary in the retreat that sells them and they also offer free healing to members. Poultices would be great in a crate, but I don't know of any brofists that make them so it's unlikely that they'd be donated. They're certainly not needed. Brofist is a VERY item-light guild.

Re: help your colleagues out

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 7:20 am
by Rias
It was supposed to be (but probably wasn't) funny.

Re: help your colleagues out

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:14 am
by merin
I think that keeping the crap (sinew, branches, raw meat) out of town crates would make them more helpful, too.

I know those items aren't crap persay, but they're deffinetly not items if eel need going into a crate. so there is that.

Re: help your colleagues out

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:24 am
by preiman
I tend to agree, but at the same time don't think it's worth starting that old argument again.

Re: help your colleagues out

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:53 am
by Jaster
I think we should be putting more crap (manure) in there, if not for the fun factor alone.

Re: help your colleagues out

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 10:21 am
by Fayne
I think some kind of filter being put on the town crates would be nice. I see a lot of canvas clothing with bad adjectives at times, things people have made that are below-average or horrible quality, crappy mob weapons that someone tried to sell at the pawnshop but couldn't, and so on. I mean, there's a fine line between useful and junk, and some things pass that line really easily, and now that transfer no longer works on donation crates, it's a pain to pick out all the junk and throw it away.