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Weight of Greathelm seems too much

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:37 am
by Kent
So, when we forge a greathelm, we need 10 pounds of metal. No expert in armor, but this seems just too much.

A helm needs 6 pounds, and that's all but the face, could we adjust greathelm to require a more reasonable 8 pounds?


Re: Weight of Greathelm seems too much

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:51 am
by Rias
I think a lot of expectations have been set and coded around armor weights and the associated encumbrance they bring. So, if armor weights get lowered, I wouldn't be surprised if encumbrance thresholds did as well. (Bummer for people who don't use armor!)

Re: Weight of Greathelm seems too much

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:32 am
by Kunren
Rias wrote:I think a lot of expectations have been set and coded around armor weights and the associated encumbrance they bring. So, if armor weights get lowered, I wouldn't be surprised if encumbrance thresholds did as well. (Bummer for people who don't use armor!)
Oh noes

Re: Weight of Greathelm seems too much

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:37 am
by Acarin
Perhaps the solution is to make normal helms weigh 8 pounds and up the encumbrance thresholds!!!

Can we make armor weigh more?!? Please...

Re: Weight of Greathelm seems too much

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:56 am
by Kunren
Acarin wrote:Perhaps the solution is to make normal helms weigh 8 pounds and up the encumbrance thresholds!!!

Can we make armor weigh more?!? Please...
Lets start the heavier armor movement acarin. "Helmets should be at the very least 40 pounds!"

Re: Weight of Greathelm seems too much

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 11:44 am
by Acarin
Kunren wrote:
Acarin wrote:Perhaps the solution is to make normal helms weigh 8 pounds and up the encumbrance thresholds!!!

Can we make armor weigh more?!? Please...
Lets start the heavier armor movement acarin. "Helmets should be at the very least 40 pounds!"
This seems so reasonable, fair, and accurate! Why did I not think of it? This would put breastplates somewhere around 200 pounds, wouldn't you think?

Re: Weight of Greathelm seems too much

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 3:30 am
by Jirato
All crafted items will eventually have their weights and values reworked. Including leatherworked armor and forged armor. That's going to take a a bit of time though. The crafting system is not very easy to work with at the moment, however, as lots of people have had their hands in it. In addition, weights are linked directly to the amount of raw material needed, which is an intentional balance so people can't just whip out hundreds of greathelms a day.

Storebought greathelms weigh 3 pounds, which I feel is reasonable.

Re: Weight of Greathelm seems too much

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 1:58 pm
by Kent
Well, that's just it...with crafted greathelm weighing over 300% too much, it may
well qualify as the neediest item to have it's weight reduced.

In interest of fairness, I'll say 3 pounds might be a little too light.