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The learning curve

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:37 am
by Acarin
Dear all,

I think there's a rather steep learning curve in Clok and as some of us are aware, it can be difficult to keep new players when they don't feel like they're getting the hang of things quickly. A lot of games have a prominent "Tips for beginners" section on their BBS. If the GMs and our talented Developer see fit, I think it might be a good idea to add one to improve retention. There, we can address some of the problems new players face without them having to sort through countless other threads to acquire information (as there's now a lot on these boards). The information on the wiki is great, but it sometimes helps to give new players the inside "scoop" from us older and more active players. A few tips goes a long way to making people feel welcome!

People can post basic/introductory explanations of different systems, such as death, early suggestions for combat, making riln/professional skills, rp, brief (and non-revealing) guild run-downs, useful skills, early general ability evaluations, etc. If we can get new players up to speed quickly, we will hopefully improve retention! Rias, Jirato, and the other GMs both past and present have created a great game here! Lets help to bring in more people! Also.... DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!

We have a wonderful mentor system and question system, but sometimes new players just don't seem to know what to ask! And who knows, older players might learn something along the way as well. If this has been suggested before, I apologize. I have read a lot of threads over the years. Time to go vote!

Kind Regards,

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:42 am
by Jirato
A simple "Make a Beginner Help BBS section please." would have worked too. :-P

Nice words though!

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:44 am
by Acarin
I was trying to be motivational! I hope it worked.

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:45 am
by Acarin
Also, don't forget to vote!

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:58 am
by Fayne
Another issue is there a lot of things that can be found on the BBS but not on the wiki. And some things, like the recipe for cookies, can't be found anywhere at all. Having that all in one place would benefit players new and old greatly.

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:03 am
by Acarin
Fayne wrote:Another issue is there a lot of things that can be found on the BBS but not on the wiki. And some things, like the recipe for cookies, can't be found anywhere at all. Having that all in one place would benefit players new and old greatly.
Lets not go sharing proprietary secrets that should be known ONLY by the devoted now... Teaching people how to bake cookies might cross a line that we wouldn't be able to cross back from. Imagine... cookies in every backpack. The effect on the ration and waybread market would be catastrophic.

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:09 am
by Jirato
I'd like to take this time to remind people that players can request wiki access. Just shoot me an email.

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:14 am
by preiman
I do think a section on the BBS and an updated wiki are good, but honestly there is already a lot of what the new player needs up there and easy to find. A lot of the problem as I see it is new players skipping the tutorial and not even looking at the wiki. Sadly I have no idea how to fix that problem.

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:24 am
by Fayne
Well, could always have a link to the Beginner Tips section in character creation. Might also be beneficial to list a link to the Races section there as well whenever they go to choose. So of the races have been developed a lot further since those short descriptions were written, and they don't convey nearly enough as-is to get an idea on what they're really like.

Speaking of the Beginner Tips section, that thing probably needs updated, like, really badly. AFAIK it's been the same since before I joined. Would anyone object to it being polished up? I might take the time to do so if not.

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:29 am
by Rias
My vision with the wiki was that it would be this thing the players kept updated on their own, for the most part. Like most programmers, documentation is the last thing I want to spend any time on.

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:46 am
by Fayne
Well, when I get access, I'll take a look at the various things I actually know about and update them where they're lacking. So, at least some of it will be updated!

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:11 am
by blindndangerous
The wiki is nice, but don't forget about importing more things into the help files database. One thing that I noticed when I first began playing, was typing help <topic> either gave me some one line thing which did nothing to help me in the slightest, or, said this is coming soon. Now I'm sure that might have changed, but it still could be helpful. You're right, the learning curve is steep, and I actually was having a conversation with some one two days ago because she went into an area with me and we got jumped by a bunch of infested. Her armor wasn't helping, and she didn't know what was wrong. She did end up getting help with it with it though in the end. I think that their has also been a guide written up somewhere, I am not sure if it's done. It was talked about on the AG forums, I'll put a link to this topic over there as well, see if the person who wrote it check this out. I've written up a text map to help people who might need it learn their way around, and where to go for their first fighting encounters...I can send that to you Jirato if you'd like it. But I'd be glad to help out with the wiki, or the help system if you'd like.

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:56 am
by Dorn
I've actually started writing something on the mechanics behind skill gain in comeat recently but I'm umming and aaarrring over it as I've approached it from a very numbers orientated view which I'm not sure how beneficial it would be.

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:46 am
by Acarin
Dorn wrote:I've actually started writing something on the mechanics behind skill gain in comeat recently but I'm umming and aaarrring over it as I've approached it from a very numbers orientated view which I'm not sure how beneficial it would be.
I think it's this sort of approach that possibly shouldn't go on the wiki but will certainly help new players understand known game mechanics and why their skills may or may not be going up. If we ever get this new BBS area, I'd be happy to take a look at it for you and provide suggestions.

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:30 am
by Dorn
Kind of how I felt about it Acarin. I also really don't want to mention mobs or areas for this/that and instead deal with hypotheticals. Tend to think people should be exploring more as it is without going "this mob is great for this".

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:49 am
by artus
There're more and more you can do, rather than just give a rough detail because you fear of spoiling out rp. I wouldn't call anything in clok mobs, no matter what it is. I agree with posts here about help files and wiki pages haven't been updated though. In fact, I'm still confused sometimes too now, and asking over question sometimes doesn't work, especially when there're few players. For example, *you can forge arrowheads*something blah blah blah, but no forging options available. Also, there're a lot to add about generalizations and the like. Clok isn't that Clok mentioned in the wiki pages anymore.
Also, special news for blind and vi people, I'm riting a Clok tutorial for us all (non-sighted can also view it too). I still have a long way to go, and would be awesome with I can get more info to add in there, rather than just throw a word "look at help files", since it does nothing but giving more confusion.
Love everyone, and love clok!

Re: The learning curve

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 7:23 pm
by Kent
Let's keep in mind a number of new players learn to mistrust the Wiki as they find that some information on there is no longer correct.