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Considering the act of Go Wilderness

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:22 pm
by Kent
I have been mulling over this for many months, and will try to put my idea into words as best I can.

It involves an entirely fresh look at Go Wilderness, or Wander, if you prefer.

Imagine you are riding down the highway north of Shadgard (or anywhere). You are on one road space, you travel to the next road space,
it's two seconds travel time. You ride to another road space, it's another two seconds, and so on.

Now imagine the same rider heading north out of Redrock Canyon. As he moves along the canyon, it is non-wilderness, so no travel time.
But when he reaches the north end of the canyon, and types Go Wilderness, that act (presumably all along the same road terrain as he will
encounter to the north on the afore-mentioned highway) somehow takes 2 and a half times as long, namely 5 seconds.

Taking a fresh look at this, I would think that Go Wilderness would take no more than moving along any other roadway, viz. 2 seconds. Arguably, one could even say that the end of Redrock Canyon is 'halfway out into the wilderness' and thus requires as little as 1 second.
But even 2 seconds travel time makes a lot of sense, but I can't figure out the 5 seconds, and hope it will be reconsidered.

Re: Considering the act of Go Wilderness

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:20 am
by Xanthe
Just my two cents.

Perhaps the roads are better kept and patrolled within the canyon? Perhaps a character is a little more cautious and alert in their surroundings? Not sure what the whole time thing is based upon other than weight, terrain, etc..

Re: Considering the act of Go Wilderness

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:43 am
by Acarin
Kent, perhaps you are overthinking this? Is the 3 seconds making a difference in your life?