Some ideas about effects and archery

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Some ideas about effects and archery

Post by artus »


I'm not sure if some of these already existed in the mud itself, if not, might worth noting :

Poison arrow : we have fire arrow ( which i never try myself), and we have some abilities for archery, what about poison arrow? Does it exist now? Expert rangers generally use poison arrows to put their enimies down quicker, and there're mmany types of poison, each type gives unique effect based on ingrediants. It's not just common for herbalist to brew this kind of weapon-appliable poison, it's common among hunters, especially trappers and rangers as well. And it's actually not just with arrows, in some culture, actually in most culture, they apply poison to bladed weapons too.

Nausea effect : the cause could be from various things, poison and random sickness included (though sickness hasn't been implimented to Clok yet). This effect, though not prevent you from eating, can reduce your fullness ranked from mildly to scignificantly.

Insanity : sometimes mind plays trick! I know there're some state of frenzy in Clok, such as battle fury and stuff, but this is a little diffrent. The effect can trigger random action, for a random amount of time, and the cause shouldn't be from fighting frenzy or anything. Imagine someone plays that stupid fearsome thing on you, over and over and over. No matter how high your conciousness and sanity is, you'll end up being scared, or even scare the crap out of yourself as if the scarry thing was there. Sometimes you ejust do random things, like grab a branch and make wooden sword out of it, and think it's the legendary mighty sword you'll use to fight something,then you cool down and find out what you were doing (this is kinda a little fun, though),.It should cloud your mind for a while. Sorcerers soul abilities should trigger people this way pretty well, unless you have some kind of mind resistance (which I don't think anyone has, except mummers).

Some other ideas :

Wiki and help file update : I remember asking on question hundred times about the ability to forge bodkin arrowhead, and got no reply at all. Even now I still don't know. It would be cool to have a wiki page explaining stuff like this, rather than that outdated forging thingy which doesn't seem to help at all. The healing book sold in the herbal shop should be updated as well, as it stated emberberries being used in healing process, but it's not anymore, or at least not from what i've heard of.

Pets or companions : it might, or might not be added to Clok. I just dropped it here cause I can't come up with anything more, haha. (actualy because I love my towerred snowy friend too much to just pass it on, haha).
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Re: Some ideas about effects and archery

Post by merin »

You can forge bodkin and broadheads both.

Poisons on arrows/bladed weapons...i'd be behind that. You can get sick in various ways in the game (try eating meat or rations from boxes).
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Re: Some ideas about effects and archery

Post by Kunren »

Let's see if I can't help out here a bit~

Poisons: on the way soon, whenever the herbalism updates come most likely, so soonish. Vaguely.
When they get here, we will probably be able to add them to either arrows or other sorts of weapons.

Nausea:We actually already have this. It makes you get randomly stunned at times until it's been cured by an infirmary healer if I'm not mistaken. Happens when you eat bad food or water, which happens to be a variety of things.

Insanity: It's slightly hush hush but I think that there may be something that causes some of the things you were talking about here~

Wiki and help file updates: I'm pretty sure we've been nicely asked to post up about anything we see that's out of date on the wiki and the gms will get it fixed up ASAP, there was a thread about it some time back.

Pets and companions: Id love these too!! Right now, only a very few guilds are capable of having "minions" and PC pets are currently both extremely rare(I've only seen one) and little more than decoration for a home.
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Re: Some ideas about effects and archery

Post by artus »

Well Merin, the fact is I can't even forge broadheads, how do i suppose to forge bodkin so far? It's not the general blacksmithing ability that unlocks those, I don't know what it is.

Woo, looking forward to the updated herbalism now!:)

Oh yeah? Nausea never happen to me, that's why I don't know. Thank you for the clarification.:)

Lol, I actually got the insanity idea from that time Castillo played sorcerer trick on me, and again after lar used that bear thingy on Tarueka guard. It's kind of crazy though.

Wait what? Pc pets? What sorta thing would it be then, and how does it work? This is rather interesting. I of course wanna see something other than horses and mules everywhere. Oh, we have elephants right here. Wanna throw some on Clok? Haha, don't mind my sillyness.:d

Thank you for every answers. Yall are awesome.
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Re: Some ideas about effects and archery

Post by Akila »

Am I missing something here? I can be subjected to fear and mind tricks just as much as the next person and haven't seen any resistance to it. Mummers just play with the mind :P

I do like the insanity idea, though I'd alter it to more hallucination or similar. Seeing things due to having your mind prodded once too often (by the evil mummers and sorcerers :P)

Pets should be restricted to horses and such. My wagon is full enough of clothes without adding furred and feathered critters! (Joking. I like the idea of Akila owning a cat or something :) )
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Re: Some ideas about effects and archery

Post by Kunren »

Akila wrote:Am I missing something here? I can be subjected to fear and mind tricks just as much as the next person and haven't seen any resistance to it. Mummers just play with the mind :P

I do like the insanity idea, though I'd alter it to more hallucination or similar. Seeing things due to having your mind prodded once too often (by the evil mummers and sorcerers :P)

Pets should be restricted to horses and such. My wagon is full enough of clothes without adding furred and feathered critters! (Joking. I like the idea of Akila owning a cat or something :) )
Mind if I ask where you got the idea of talk on resistances to mind thingys? don't think we were talking about that at all, I hope I didn't miss something D:
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Re: Some ideas about effects and archery

Post by Akila »

unless you have some kind of mind resistance (which I don't think anyone has, except mummers).
Just this part here, unless I'm mis-reading it. Wouldn't surprise me being half asleep and all :)
[CHAT - Mayor Bryce of Bryceburgh]: It's that funny metal thing you put in your mouth, Galon, and then it goes "Boing, doing, dwang, dwang, doing, ding, boing, dwahng."
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Re: Some ideas about effects and archery

Post by Kunren »

Akila wrote:
unless you have some kind of mind resistance (which I don't think anyone has, except mummers).
Just this part here, unless I'm mis-reading it. Wouldn't surprise me being half asleep and all :)
Ah I did completely miss it lol. I'm curious to see how mental resistances will turn out myself. Maybe link it into that currently unlearnable skill that helps you keep your channels in combat or something like that. Forget the name, meditation or something?
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