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The Market, Purchasing

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:20 am
by Dorn
Hmph. Either I'm screwing with the syntax, or mucking it up somehow... but if not, can we get a way of ordering multiple items at once from the marketplace and have it all go in a container like a normal store?

Re: The Market, Purchasing

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:28 am
by Jirato
The market is kinda considered for bulk purchases of large commodities that would not normally be carried around in containers. That's why there's already a system in place to order multiple items directly into a handcart or wagon. Not saying we'll never add the ability to order into a held container, but the order command is kinda messy. For now, please just use a handcart or wagon. I'll see about updating it later.
[Shadgard, Market Street] (market) { sg_market | shadgard | shadgard } (OutUr) [semiarid] Chilly, Fair, Calm
This open plaza is filled with townsfolk, some manning booths or stalls, all haggling with each other in an attempt to buy or sell commodities. A narrow alley winds
between the General Store and a large warehouse on the south side of the street, while a similarly narrow passage squeezes between an annex and depot on the northern side
of the street.
There is quite a crowd of people here. The area is very noisy.
You also notice a large sign and a pine handcart (being pulled by yourself).
There are some homes here.
Obvious paths: west, northeast.


The following commodities are for sale:

------ HERBS & FUNGI ------
1. some fresh yellow-green bitemoss: 22 riln ... (1 available)
2. some fresh bitterleaf: 9 riln ... (32 available)
3. some fresh cuttings of lifevine: 6 riln ... (217 available)
4. some fresh stems of thistleweed: 2 riln ... (9 available)
------ SKINS & PELTS ------
5. a raw poor large crab leg: 15 riln ... (13 available)
6. a raw average large crab leg: 15 riln ... (10 available)
------ WOOD ------
7. a large maple log: 75 riln ... (1 available)
8. a medium straight maple branch: 2 riln ... (15 available)
(You may filter your results with order [category], where category is one of produce, fish, gem, metal, stone, wood, skin, meat, herb, common, or finished.)


You feel fully rested.

order 3 5
You purchase some fresh cuttings of lifevine (5 units) from a buyer for 30 riln and have them loaded into your pine handcart.

l in handcart
In the pine handcart you see some fresh cuttings of lifevine (x5).
There is plenty of room left in the pine handcart.

Re: The Market, Purchasing

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:30 am
by Dorn
Okay J, thanks for the reply. Saw 200 comfrey, and was all "Heck yes!". I'll pop off for a handcart next time quickly before I raid it all.