Color Coding for Hostile Creatures

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Color Coding for Hostile Creatures

Post by Laroremas »

Apparently it used to be this way and was changed for some reason(probably a good one), but would it be possible to have an option that can be toggled that will allow for you to see a bright red color for creatures/NPCs that are hostile to you?

Animals, nethrim, etc. Preferably bright red over dark red (though I suppose the actual color can be changed client-side if the former isn't possible).

I understand also this will not really help our blind folks out, so perhaps also add another option that will place some sort of readily recognizable symbol before the name of a hostile creature as listed in the room description?

Just a thought. Not entirely necessary, of course.
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Re: Color Coding for Hostile Creatures

Post by Kiyaani »

It was considered OOC to automatically be able to tell if someone or something was hostile. Event NPCs would show up and people would pre-judge them based on the color. At least that's my understanding of why it was changed. Then again, I think "enemy" still shows as red.
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Re: Color Coding for Hostile Creatures

Post by Laroremas »

Enemy still shows as dark red, yeah.

Maybe it'd be neat to have a command where you could add certain types of creatures to your "enemy" list.
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Re: Color Coding for Hostile Creatures

Post by jilliana »

Laroremas wrote:Maybe it'd be neat to have a command where you could add certain types of creatures to your "enemy" list.
I agree with this.
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Re: Color Coding for Hostile Creatures

Post by Jirato »

You, personally, should be remembering which critters are hostile and which are not. There are also plenty of client-side tools to assist with that. Yes, it'd be convenient, but it'd also be adding a lot of unnecessary work on the server.
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