suggestions for staffs

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suggestions for staffs

Post by Lavi »

I have been using a staff for a while, and while they are decent and good weapons. There's no difference between quarterstaffs, and regular staffs. There's no long staffs either. The staff and quarter staff at the moment are the same. Maybe the regular staff could have a longer round time and more energy but could do more bludgeoning damage? and A long staff could have even higher energy and round time, but could do crush damage perhaps. Things I wanted to see about. Thanks.
[ESP-GRAY - Shadowy-Gray]: No no (player) , you were right, it's wonderful. I think I'll send in my application today. I can't wait to partake in the parties there. I just have one question, will I need to kidnap my own child, or will there be some there for those who are un able to.
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Re: suggestions for staffs

Post by Kunren »

Could also be iron shod staffs If those aren't already a thing.
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