Whisper Group

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Whisper Group

Post by Avedri »

Could it be possible to whisper something to members in your group? Feels like it makes sense if you're in a crowded area that the members of your group would be close enough to be the only ones to hear you.

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Re: Whisper Group

Post by Fayne »


Maybe have like a 1% chance for a random person in the room not in your group to overhear part or all of the whisper as well, since you're not whispering directly in more than one person's ear at the same time, and maybe have that chance go up slightly with every additional person past 3, and maybe any group over 5 is automatically overheard, since 6 or more people aren't going to be able to get close enough for something to be whispered; you'd have to quietly murmur at best.
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Re: Whisper Group

Post by Jirato »

Well if we wanted to be ultra realistic those same types of restrictions should apply to whisper as well, and there should be a chance for someone you're whispering to to not be able to hear you as well.

I kinda feel like this is one of those cases where we're willing to compromise for the sake of "it's a game". Coding a life simulator is a lot harder than coding a game. :-P
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
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Re: Whisper Group

Post by Avedri »

Yeah, def a quality of life thing. Thanks for looking and explaining your point of view. =)
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Re: Whisper Group

Post by jilliana »

Might as well get up and leave the room at that point.

I'm not a fan of this idea. If You really need for things to be private, there is a way to get private tuners ICly.
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Re: Whisper Group

Post by Lun »

If you're whispering loudly enough for a group to hear it, you're basically saying it at that point.
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Re: Whisper Group

Post by Solaje »

If they're standing close to you it seems reasonable. I've done it IRL, so I don't see why Clok would be different.
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Re: Whisper Group

Post by Fayne »

Well, like I said, I can see it with a small group, maybe pf 5 or six people at the most. But there are times when you can have ten people in a group, and whispering to all of them would either be talking, or playing the Telephone Game.
A scrawny alley cat stares after the dog with big green eyes.
Speaking to a scrawny alley cat, you ask, "Friend of yours?"
A scrawny alley cat hisses angrily.
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