Ability request: battle tactics

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Ability request: battle tactics

Post by preiman »

not sure how many abilities i think this should be, but in basic it would be a group of abilities that would make one better at leading during group combat.

Column formation: this ability, at the cost of slightly increased round time per room, would allow the group leader to negate minor round times of the group members. and keep the group together more easily while moving. obviously more major forms of rt would cause a person to fall out of formation, and they'd still have to catch up on their own. perhaps this ability might also cause a slight reduction in the energy lost and hunger Gained by members of the column as well. It also almost goes without saying, that the formation could also probably be tracked by anyone with eyes.

Line formation: this ability would allow a group to designate an exit or exits, depending on the number of people in the formation, and prevent hostile characters from using those exits to leave a room. it would also provide a slight defense bonus and make it harder to flank, owing to tighter coordination between members of the group.

shield wall formation: this ability would allow all members of the group with shields to provide a percentage of their block roll to all group members, and a larger percentage of the roll to members not in melee.

circle formation: this ability would allow the group to circle up all members of the group not in tactics ranged, or avoid would be considered to be guarded by all other members of the group. flanking individuals would become impossible, but it would also become impossible for members of the group to flank or press.

Hold the line, order: this ability would force group members to make a check similar to the one to escape melee, if they want to leave the group, or room. this order would stay in place until on of the following, The group leader dies, a new order is given, the group is dissolved, or the order is canceled.

retreat, order: this ability would work like flee, but effect every member of the group, if the member is in round time, this order would be followed once that ends. all members of the group flee the same direction. designated by the group leader, at the time of the order.

press the attack order: this ability would allow the leader to designate a target, if this target retreats from battle, and no hostiles remain in the room, the group automatically follows the designated target, to continue the battle.

I'm sure more orders and formations are possible, but these are the ones I've come up with.

edited to add. i think these tactics should all require a minimum group to be used, 3 or 4 at least.
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a Mistral Lake sentry arrives from the east, armor clanking.
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Re: Ability request: battle tactics

Post by Jirato »

You may track the status of your request here: https://trello.com/c/yNvilOKa

Right now it is in the backburner/undecided list. We haven't really had a chance to sit down and discuss this internally. It's a rather large project and will need to be considered after ability generalization is done.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
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Re: Ability request: battle tactics

Post by preiman »

either way you guys go with it thanks for the consideration.
I thought it might be a neat idea, but also would understand if it's not for CLOK. I also get that there are and should be tuns of things ahead of it on the to do list.
thanks for the update and consideration though.
"I don't think we're ever going to find out what is going on with these canim, where are they coming from?!"
Kent arrives from the southeast.
Kent hugs you.
say um
You say, "Um."
a Mistral Lake sentry arrives from the east, armor clanking.
Kent heads north.
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