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Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:41 pm
by qinweiqi
So, I know we only had the OOCsay command for a day as part of the april fools joke, but I kind of miss it. Can we have OOCsay back?

Re: OOCsay

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:11 am
by Sneaky
Having played muds that had this feature and other muds that were RP enforced and ooc chatter was allowed privately between people in the same room, I can say that, unless this feature was heavily monitored along with warnings of abuse, this would quickly turn into a way for a group of people to speak with eachother out of character about things that had no corilation with the game. In other words, people would be highly tempted to use it like they would Skype, or any other out of character communication and possibly talk about things that had no bearing on events within the game. People might just look for each other in character just to sit around an inn and talk about their RL pets or some such. This would possibly bring about the change from an RP enforced mud to an RP encouraged mud. If you need to speak to someone about events that are going on currently such as having to step away from the keyboard, and you don't want to say it over chat then use tells. If there are multiple people in the room then let them both know, or if it's quick that you need to go, tell one person and ask them to tell the others.

Re: OOCsay

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:59 am
by Fayne
Or just use chat. We don't mind someone broadcasting a quick, "Hold on, I gotta go AFK."

Re: OOCsay

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 7:31 pm
by Jirato
Just FYI, the OOCSay command never did anything other than send a message to you (and only you, no one else in the room) and the GMs so we could all point and laugh that you fell for the April fool's joke. Yeah, we can be a bit on the evil side sometimes. :-)

We have tell and chat for this, if someone has their chats and tells blocked, then they are most likely doing it for RP immersion and an OOCSay would be unwanted by them.

Re: OOCsay

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 12:18 am
by Vaylon
Jirato wrote:We have tell and chat for this, if someone has their chats and tells blocked, then they are most likely doing it for RP immersion and an OOCSay would be unwanted by them.
Even when I enable RPHardcore for immersion, I make OOC mistakes: typos, mischans, and the like. Do you simply expect me to not correct those mistakes?

Re: OOCsay

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 4:05 am
by Kunren
Vaylon wrote:
Jirato wrote:We have tell and chat for this, if someone has their chats and tells blocked, then they are most likely doing it for RP immersion and an OOCSay would be unwanted by them.
Even when I enable RPHardcore for immersion, I make OOC mistakes: typos, mischans, and the like. Do you simply expect me to not correct those mistakes?
People will almost always understand a typo, even if you don't fix it on chat. If they don't, coughing and then repeating yourself is a fair way to do it. If you mistakenly do an action, people may ignore it if you do, or they may not and you have to live with the consequences. I've been accidentally killed before by people, they couldn't wave that away and had to deal with it IC.

Re: OOCsay

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 3:27 pm
by Elystole
Vaylon wrote:Even when I enable RPHardcore for immersion, I make OOC mistakes: typos, mischans, and the like. Do you simply expect me to not correct those mistakes?
Yes. Most people don't care because they understand the medium, and the ones who do make a big deal out of what was clearly an OOC mistake are assholes.

Re: OOCsay

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 5:01 pm
by Noctere
Thare is noething wrong with a little typo now and agane.

I consider part of being a good RP'er is not being perfect but being respectful enough to ignore obvious mistakes, odds are you will make some yourself so it's best not to judge.