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Next room - Ranged Snipe

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:39 pm
by Nickerdoodle
I was hoping to suggest and request that ranged weapons have the ability to snipe into the room next to their currently occupied room. Instead of chasing deer down, for example, it would making hunting a bit easier especially for those without good sneaking abilities. For those that would have a shield and are the target, they would get a 100% deflect or something if they were using a shield. So it would counter act any cons to this. Hiding would also counter act griefing from ranged weapons as well seeing you have to actively go into their room and search for them. Just an idea.

Re: Next room - Ranged Snipe

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:51 pm
by Jirato
Wilderness rooms are considered a league apart, so what you're basically asking for is the ability to shoot a bow or a low-tech firearm 3 to 5 miles (more like 3 to 9 miles, considering the targets position in the other room), so unfortunately, this is probably not going to make our list.

Keep the suggestions coming though, it's always great to see new faces on the BBS sharing ideas.

Re: Next room - Ranged Snipe

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:53 pm
by Nickerdoodle
Oh, neat.