bones from butchering

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bones from butchering

Post by Sevoi »


I don't have this intricately mapped out, but I thought it would be nice if bones could be harvested from butchered animals. Uses could be, for larger bones, - weapons. Other things might be bones for use in cooking (flavoring for soups/stews for example), or carving bones into trinkets, like rabbit skull amulets, etc.

Basically, we have the meat and sinew and fat, it would be cool to get the bones, and there's a lot of different uses for them. It would also add another element to people who's RP shies away from civilized tools, giving them the option of stone, wood and then bone implements/weapons.
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Re: bones from butchering

Post by jilliana »

Creepy, but cool.
CHAT - Sir Alexander Candelori: Truly a man is an abomination that does not dip his french fries into his chocolate frosty.
Bryce flatly says, "Just fair warning: If one of those things webs me, I'm going to scream like a girl."
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