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Post by sona »

Apparently 'cherry picking' herbs and leaving others has long been a common practice of the inconsiderate historically, or so I'm lead to believe. My suggestion to combat this is to make foraging 'specific thing' more like mining, since the pursuits are similar in that each harvests a natural resource, and supposedly you would need some skill/level of expertise to point out and pick very specifically a certain thing you desire.


req: 750-1000 herbalism
req: Udemi/Snowpine/Utasa(?)/other wilderness guilds

Allows you to pick out a single herb type amongst all that absolutely useless lifevine that you've been finding/previous people have left in the area.
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Re: Foraging

Post by Barius »

I don't have a lot to say about this except that I don't think it's necessary. It was designed this way, and it's an IC choice to pick one or pick all.

Maybe you can start an IC movement to get the word out that "cherry picking" is the wrong thing to do.

What might be interesting is to give druids a way to see what was last picked in a location, and let things develop from that direction. I just don't think making an arbitrary findherb ability is the right way to go, personally.
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Re: Foraging

Post by sona »

already started the IC movement. It does stand to have a similar feel to prospect though. Most people forage for specific poultice ingredients because they sell well or for use. lifevine is the copper of foraging, yet artisan miners require 1000 mining, plus pre-reqs to get prospect and the case sounds similar. The rare cases when cinnabar/sapphires/rubies/etc come up are relatively few and far between. herbs are more frequently needed and used, and this is my best current suggestion for combating the ability to 'cherry pick' specific herbs without any specific training or abilities. Especially when it only takes another 1-2 minutes to actually finish foraging a room properly.
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Re: Foraging

Post by Lae »

Personally I would like to see more of the herbs that we currently have in the world used to make different poultices. Right now there are five combos for different poultices which makes five or six herbs a thing that is focused on. If they were all (discounting cooking herbs, of course) useable to make poultices - even if some of them would only cure scrapes. It would probably cut back on the cherry picking.
[FROM Rias (OOC)]: Jaster can now pick the lock on your bathroom door. I don't want any more details on that bug report.
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Re: Foraging

Post by Barius »

Lae wrote:Personally I would like to see more of the herbs that we currently have in the world used to make different poultices. Right now there are five combos for different poultices which makes five or six herbs a thing that is focused on. If they were all (discounting cooking herbs, of course) useable to make poultices - even if some of them would only cure scrapes. It would probably cut back on the cherry picking.

This, I agree with. More uses for herbs, please!
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Re: Foraging

Post by sona »

^---- +1 Like, make lifevine a published poultice mainstay and the world will rejoice.
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Re: Foraging

Post by Sneaky »

I think it was in the tutorial, but it said something like lifevine was always reguarded highly due to it's powerful healing powers, I could be remembering wrong though. I agree that more uses would be very welcomed.
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Re: Foraging

Post by Lae »

We could probably help the process by brainstorming up some ideas for poultice combos, when I get home from work I'll post some after I go on a foraging spree.
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Re: Foraging

Post by sona »

2 lifevine, 1 bloodstem, 2 skyroot: heals up to severe wounds.

Lifevine has long been considered a potent healing herb, combined in effect with bloodstem which helps to prevent blood loss and speed healing, while skyroot acts as an anesthetic to numb pain.
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Re: Foraging

Post by qinweiqi »

I'd love to see some progress toward alchemy. That would definitely add more uses for herbs.
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