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Campfire-Related Suggestions

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 1:19 am
by Enepttastic
Just two quick suggestions:

1. Any way we can debark deadwood branches for shavings? It's kinda odd that the seemingly only way to get shavings(from deadwood) to start a campfire is to find a deadwood log, chop a split(now not deadwood) log from it and carve that.

2. Any chance that, while logging, those non-straight branches that disappear into nothingness could instead be added to a campfire if one's in the room already? Not quite suggesting that they be added as items per se but instead make it that whenever a straight branch isn't found, fuel is added to the campfire. Perhaps have add some text such as, "You add the worthless branches to the nearby campfire." I ask due to the couple of times I've logged a tree, made a campfire from the branches and struggled to keep the campfire lit with the remaining branches.