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Big List of Suggestions!

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:54 pm
by Breezy

Well, first a little intro. Feel free to skip this. But, I spent the last few years musing over creating my own game (a MU* or a browser-based RPG). This game is very, very similar to what I've been thinking up. Also, I'd rather be a player than admin, so I figured that I would pass this over to you guys. I have a notebook and a half full of lore and systems. But here's a little bit. BTW, I am NOT trying to come in and change everything. Just passing of some suggestions!
  • Campfire bundles - maybe tied to high logging or a survival skill? Or, one of the woodsmen guilds? But, this is made out of the ingredients needed to make a campfire.
  • Farming/foraging - vanilla, hops, grains, apples, grapes
  • Brewing - with the coming of alchemy, maybe we could have brewing! Any Tom, Dick and Amos can brew up some bath tub moonshine, but artisans will be able to make some world class wine and beer! We already have barrels to age it in! Also, non-alcoholic ciders and juices.
  • Perfumers - Mix and match flavor and scents to make pleasing aromas. Perfumers for your person and incense for homes, etc.
  • VIP Escorts - A NPC needs escort from one place to another. Players can either: kill him and take the riln or whatever he carries, escort him to his destination and get rewarded, or mug him (this is tied to another system in my game), Groups of players can work together.
  • Commodity runs - Both Artisans and everyone else can run various commodities from one city to another. This is similar to the VIP escorts. Other players can steal your cargo and turn it in themselves. Additionally,the hauler would also run into different 'encounters'. These could include NPC robbers and stuff. Also, the difficulty of the NPCs depends on the route the hauler takes and the type of commodity they run and there is a bonus for fast service. For example, for an easy job, I could pick "Mundane Supplies" and stick to the roads. Easy NPCs (if any) would attack and you may not get a speed bonus. Or, I can take "Exquisite Trinkets" and take shortcuts through the wilderness for a speed bonus. But, harder NPCs would attack and do so more often. Maybe bring along friends or higher some protection!
Now, the thing about the VIP Escort is, that if a thief (or other shady type) stole the item, they can take it back to their guildhall and sell it on the Black Market. My black market sold a limited amount of poisons and special shady type items. The most special were generated based on the amount of VIP packages that were turned in.

Re: Big List of Suggestions!

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:34 pm
by Kiyaani
Welcome and thanks for the post. I like the campfire bundles idea best. Some of the other things have already been suggested or implemented in one way or another. For example: you can already plant wheat and barley for farms, and fruit and seasonings can be purchased in one of the hamlets. Brewing is something that's been to-do'd I believe and I think there was even a still offered at one of the annual Grum Festivals, but I'm not sure it was actually functional. Perfumes can be purchased in Haiban.

I like the idea of the VIP escorts. So far if something like this happens (and it does sometimes happen) it's requested by a GM NPC. An automated version that ran occasionally would be pretty neat as well.

Re: Big List of Suggestions!

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:20 pm
by Makkah
Kiyaani wrote: Brewing is something that's been to-do'd I believe and I think there was even a still offered at one of the annual Grum Festivals, but I'm not sure it was actually functional.

Yea, there was one. I bid 70k I think on that still... didn't win it, obviously. And I believe it was explicitly stated it wasn't functional and wouldn't be for a while.

I wanted that thing bad.

Re: Big List of Suggestions!

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:21 pm
by Jaster
Do you.. still.. want it?

Re: Big List of Suggestions!

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:27 pm
by Makkah
Jaster wrote:Do you.. still.. want it?
You didn't win it, foo

Re: Big List of Suggestions!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:36 pm
by Rias
Breezy wrote: Campfire bundles - maybe tied to high logging or a survival skill?
These might end up being a little heavy to tote around with you all the time, but they could be spiffy in certain circumstances. Just as an FYI, it's now possible to break sticks and small branches into kindling with your bare hands, so an axe is no longer required.
Farming/foraging - vanilla, hops, grains, apples, grapes
Good idears!
This has been planned for a long time (someone even got a brewing still at an auction) but hasn't ever been priority. If people are aware of specifics of brewing and how it might be implemented in a CLOK setting (lore and mechanics wise) we love suggestions to help us springboard implementation!
Perfumes and incense are available for purchase, though they aren't particularly involved. If you'd like more involved mechanics/effects, suggestions are welcome!
VIP Escorts - A NPC needs escort from one place to another. Players can either: kill him and take the riln or whatever he carries, escort him to his destination and get rewarded, or mug him (this is tied to another system in my game), Groups of players can work together.
Ah, the dreaded escort quests! We've considered adding in wandering/traveling NPCs and the like along roads and other places to liven the world up a bit. We do worry a little about people "farming" them and then having to try and do something about that and the escalating amounts of attention and effort it would require.
Commodity runs
Very cool idea!

Re: Big List of Suggestions!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:20 am
by Zeik
Rias wrote: Ah, the dreaded escort quests! We've considered adding in wandering/traveling NPCs and the like along roads and other places to liven the world up a bit. We do worry a little about people "farming" them and then having to try and do something about that and the escalating amounts of attention and effort it would require.
How about having it as a service "Joe Bob's Convey Service - We get ya where ya wanna go". Have it run like a business with satellite offices in every town. People with good service records "Ya always get em where dey wanna go" get extra riln rewards for harder jobs (longer hauls, escorted to higher level mob areas, that kind of thing) and those that "Ya's jobs always end up gettin lost (mugged, killed, what-have-you)" get fewer and fewer contracts until they are "fired". You could either have their reputations the same in every town or they could get be different in each.

Re: Big List of Suggestions!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 5:35 am
by Kunren
Hmm~ I like the idea of widespread organizations that can hire players regardless of guild.