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ESP - Emoting

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 2:46 pm
by Dorn
I've notice a few people emoting on ESP. They do it in a way to try and work with the idea of ESP but would it be possible to actually put a syntax in for it? Either as a generic emote command, or allowing certain RP verbs to work with it. Cause, however well people do it... it still makes it seem... chat roomish to me?

Some examples/thoughts
1. ESP ;has a faint edge of his amusement to his thoughts.
[ESP-GRAY - COLOR has a faint edge of amusement to his thoughts]

2. ESP ;has a faint edge of his amusement to his thoughts, "Amusing."
[ESP-GRAY - COLOR] has a faint edge of amusement to his thoughts, "Amusing."

3. ESP ;amused How funny.
[ESP-GRAY - COLOR has an amused edge to his thoughts] How funny

4. ESP ;laugh
[ESP-GRAY - COLOR thoughts are tinted with laughter]

Number 1, with everything inside the brackets certainly would stand out in terms of emoting but personally I would find it limiting for RP. You could do that, then a basic ESP with a message but why do two commands when a well thought out one could handle both.

Number 2, simple option of adding a tone and someone can easily add a spoken message to it. Free flowing and easily used.

Number 3, just as you have tones for speech add tones for thoughts.

Number 4, just basic run of the line RP verbs.

Honestly, I'd probably want to see Number 2-4. I'd probably never use 4, but I know a lot of people just use basic verbs instead of emoting. Number 1... throwing it up as an option but doesn't mean I like it!

Re: ESP - Emoting

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:27 am
by jilliana
This has taken a bit for me to get used to and I'm not quite used to it yet because it does feel very chat to me, and in extention, OOC.
I do like some of those ideas though.

Re: ESP - Emoting

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:37 am
by Rias
I don't really like the current system either, it seems very chatroom. I'd like to implement something similar to the tone system.

esp #fearful Help, there are highwaymen onthe road in Tumblerock Plains!
[ESP-GRAY - Unicorn-Pink (fearful)] Help, there are highwaymen on the road in Tumblerock Plains!

esp #angry Get back here so I can give you a proper flogging, thief!
[ESP-GRAY - Unicorn-Pink (angry)] Get back here so I can give you a proper flogging, thief!

Re: ESP - Emoting

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:06 pm
by Dorn
I think even that would help a lot Rias.

Maybe I'm being pessimistic though, but if there is no option to emote than people are just going to keep on with *laugh* and such.