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Armor Padding

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:26 am
by Sadi
Padding your armor (wrapping strips of cloth around the bits that clank or jingle) is a time-honored tradition when it comes to making yourself somewhat sneakier while still being protected. It was used in medieval times for stealth raids and attacks where you didn't necessarily want to be unarmored, but you still wanted to make it harder for your opponent to know you were coming. In game terms, perhaps armor padding could require cloth scraps that would fall off over time, with the mechanical effect being that the ACP for stealth is lowered while the ACP for other actions is slightly increased due to the added bulk / friction of the cloth.

Re: Armor Padding

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:47 pm
by jilliana
Interesting concept for CLOK.
Thinking about this, I'm wondering if it'll open a can of worms with questions like: Should it add to encumbrance? Affect dodge? Will it add or remove round time movement both while hiding and walking out in the open?

Not trying to squish your idea as it's a good one in my opinion.