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Building Homes

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:01 pm
by Penn
--*I was told this idea was already suggested, but I couldn't find the thread*--
So, folks, imagine this. you're walking down the road from Haiban to Shadgard, and you see a beautiful plot of land. You envision yourself in a large manor here, possibly having friends over and taking hikes in the forest. Sadly, though, this plot of land cannot be built upon, because building homes isn't implemented.

But what if it was?

I have an idea for a mechanic for building houses (though I got the "building homes" idea from Taric in game):

-Must have high ranked carpentry (~750 or something)
-Must buy a permit/deed from town/hamlet to build in the town/hamlet
-Plots of land in the wilderness set aside for sale by the nearby town/hamlet (though a very limited number of wilderness rooms should be set aside for this, like maybe 0-1 per hamlet, 2-3 per town)
-Foundation must be built, then frame, then siding/roofing/whatever is put outside of a house, then whatever is put inside of a house, each step requiring a ton of wood/metal/other materials
-"Type of House" must be approved by the town/hamlet, along with the insides due to zoning laws (name and description of rooms should be approved by the GM and submitted during permit application submission)
-House can be demolished for new home to be built, but would require several (3 or 4 maybe) carpenters with about 500 skill levels in the skill each, along with some steampunky bulldozer thing and should take a few hours or days to demolish and clean up.

Yeah, I'm not good at coming up with detailed mechanics. But, I think this could be a neat way to go about this idea.

Re: Building Homes

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:04 pm
by Sadi
IMO, the wilderness is going to seem a lot less wild if we have homes strewn about it everywhere. I'd instead suggest having plots of land available in towns / hamlets that could be built on. It'd accomplish the same goals of offloading the creative work from builders to the players (although someone would still have to approve / implement the design), creating a resource / riln sink, and allowing more player housing to be built, while also increasing player investment in the game due to having their Very Own Custom-Built House.

Add in a mechanic of house decay or property tax that requires upkeep and you've got yourself an insidious facet of the game that satisfies players by letting them make their mark while simultaneously making them not want to leave for fear of losing their house and all of its contents.

Re: Building Homes

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 2:21 am
by jilliana
There are a few other games that do this, but the fact that you can't on CLOK is one of the things that attracted me to it.
Not just that, but it adds work to the GMs workload. They have to approve room renames, descriptions, and assorted other things that I'm sure Rias would rather just leave to the builders he brings on.